How much it costs Epic Games to give away free games [ Cuanto le cuesta a Epic Games dar juegos gratis ]

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Hola nuevamente Hive, llevo meses desaparecido y he de admitir que no comence con el mejor pie por aca pero ahora quiero empezar a hacer las cosas bien, tengan este post como una humilde ofrenda del usuario que se les viene encima, estoy mas motivado que nunca a publicar por aca asi que esperen post a diario en varias de las comunidades en las que estoy metido, hoy vengo a traer un post interesante motivado por los recientes giveaways de juegos que la empresa Epic Games y su tienda estan realizando, investigue por varias fuentes esta informacion pero quiero darla con un relato mio y siendo lo mas directo y basico posible, espero les guste y que me motiven para seguir publicando por aca! Paz.

Epic Games ha sido sin duda alguna uno de los grandes protagonistas en el mundo del pc gaming compitiendo con gigantes que llevan años establecidos en el mercado con estrategias que han agregado un plus para sus jugadores y han hecho de su tienda una de las ofertas mas atractivas para todo el que juegue en su ordenador, sin duda una de las mas atractivas que implemento con la salida de su Store en 2018 es la de, cada cierto tiempo, entregar juegos sin costo alguno a sus usuarios, los jugadores podiamos acceder al juego completo, agregadrlo a nuestra libreria y posteriormente instalarlo, pero es aqui en donde surge la duda, ¿Como Epic Games sostiene esta iniciativa? eso es algo que pienso aclarar en este post.

  • La estrategia de Epic

El mercado de las pc ha sido un campo de batalla en la ultima decada con Steam, la tienda virtual de Valve a la cabeza de todos con una e las mejores plataformas que tiene el videojuego, nadie siquiera remotamente podia hacerle frente a las ofertas casi diarias que ofrecia Steam en sus juegos, eso hasta que Fortnite aparecio, un juego gratis que no solo se apodero de las PC sino que tambien de todas las consolas, ¿sus creadores? Epic Games, una desarrolladora que hasta entonces habia tenido exito creando videojuegos pero nada del calibre de Fortnite, era toda una revolucion y en la compañia querian sacarle todo el jugo que potencialmente tendria el juego.

Tanto exito tuvo Fortnite entre los jugadores que Epic Games estaba ganando dinero constante y sonante, eran los que mas ganaban en toda la industria con diferentes grandes como EA detras, pero habia que pensar a largo plazo, en Epic Games ya sabian que las tendencias no necesariamente continuan por mucho asi que empezo otro negocio: Epic Games Store, una tienda online que aprovecharia el boom de fortnite para competir contra el que era hasta ese entonces el inamovible del podio de la venta de videojuegos en pc, a Steam le salia un competidor.

Pero es dificil convencer a los jugadores de cambiarse de tienda cuando estan tan acostumbrados a tener todos los juegos disponibles en Steam, asi que Epic cambia la estrategia, ahora para poder jugar su mas grande titulo, fortnite, vas a tener que descargarte la aplicacion de escritorio de Epic la cual esta integrada con la Store, de esta forma se aseguran millones de usuarios y para este momento no es casualidad que la Epic Store este recibiendo a mas de un millon de jugadores mensuales, creciendo a un ritmo galopante pero eso no iba a ser todo, faltaba una ultima estrategia de la compañia para hacerse con el trono.

Y ese iba a ser los juegos gratis cada cierto tiempo, incluso habiendo semanas en donde se daba 1 juego gratis que todo el mundo podia descargar por tiempo limitado, y si bien algunos de estos juegos son los clasicos indies o pequeños juegos que casi nadie juega en Epic se han acostumbrado a dar incluso grandes lanzamientos actuales con tal de asegurar nuevos jugadores entrando a sus servicios, no hace falta decir que con juegos como Batman Arkham o Borderlands 3 el cual dieron recientemente son una estrategia firme para mantener a los jugadores del lado de Epic Games, pero cuanto le cuesta esta maniobra a la empresa?

  • Pagando a los publishers

Los juegos gratis no le salen baratos a Epic pero tampoco es que cueste una millonada dar por tiempo limitado algunos de los lanzamientos triple A que ya llevan unos años rodando por ahi, tomemos como ejemplo a Warner y su saga de Arkham el cual Epic pago un total de 1.500.000$ por tener esta franquicia de juegos gratis por algun tiempo en la store, normalmente lo que Epic hace cuando quiere regalar un juego de su Store es contactar con los desarrolladores y los publishers para comentarles la idea y establecer unos costes que son promediados con el numero de dias que el juego sera dado gratis y el exito que ha tenido o aun tiene este en el mercado, asi los costes de cada juego varian enormemente y aunque la Epic Store ha reportado ganancias desde practicamente su creacion es una estrategia que solo estos muchachos pueden realizar.

Si revisamos algunos datos generales que tuvo la Epic Store en el año 2020, año clave en el auge tremendo que tuvieron los videojuegos podemos ver que Epic ha regalado mas de 700 MILLONES de dolares en juegos en mas de 103 juegos que se colocaron con el cartel de gratis en su Store, sin embargo esta estrategia sin duda rinde sus frutos cada vez que se aplica en forma de nuevos suscriptores, que potencialmente seran nuevos compradores en un futuro o jugadores de sus otros titulos, esta es un poco la estrategia de Epic con respecto a su competencia con Steam, si quieren que siga hablando de este ambito los leo en el proximo post, dejenme su cariño aqui abajo o denme la bienvenida nuevamente a Hive

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Sources at the end of the post and thanks for stopping by!

Hello again Hive, I've been missing for months and I must admit I didn't start with the best foot here but now I want to start doing things right, have this post as a humble offering of the user that is coming, I'm more motivated than ever to post here so expect daily post in several of the communities in which I'm involved, today I come to bring an interesting post motivated by the recent giveaways of games that the company Epic Games and its store are doing, I investigated by several sources this information but I want to give it with a story of mine and being as direct and basic as possible, I hope you like it and that you motivate me to continue posting here! Peace.

Epic Games has been undoubtedly one of the great protagonists in the world of pc gaming competing with giants that have been established for years in the market with strategies that have added a plus for their players and have made your store one of the most attractive offers for anyone who plays on your computer, undoubtedly one of the most attractive that implemented with the release of its Store in 2018 is to, from time to time, deliver games at no cost to its users, players could access the full game, add it to our library and then install it, but this is where the question arises, how Epic Games supports this initiative? That is something that I will clarify in this post.

Epic's strategy

The pc market has been a battlefield in the last decade with Steam, the virtual store of Valve at the head of all with one of the best platforms that has the video game, no one even remotely could stand up to the almost daily offers offered by Steam in their games, that until Fortnite appeared, a free game that not only took over the PC but also all consoles, its creators? Epic Games, a developer that until then had had success creating video games but nothing of the caliber of Fortnite, it was a revolution and the company wanted to get all the juice that the game would potentially have.

Fortnite was so successful among players that Epic Games was earning constant and sound money, they were the ones who earned more in the entire industry with different large as EA behind, but you had to think long term, in Epic Games already knew that trends do not necessarily continue for long so they started another business: Epic Games Store, an online store that would take advantage of the boom of Fortnite to compete against what was until then the immovable podium of the podium of the sale of video games on pc, Steam was leaving a competitor.

But it is difficult to convince gamers to switch stores when they are so used to have all the games available on Steam, so Epic changes the strategy, now to play their biggest title, fortnite, you will have to download the Epic desktop application which is integrated with the Store, this way they ensure millions of users and by this time it is no coincidence that the Epic Store is receiving more than a million monthly players, growing at a galloping pace but that was not going to be all, there was one last strategy of the company to take the throne.

And that was going to be the free games every so often, even having weeks where they gave 1 free game that everyone could download for a limited time, and while some of these games are the classic indies or small games that almost no one plays Epic have become accustomed to give even current major releases in order to ensure new players entering their services, needless to say that with games like Batman Arkham or Borderlands 3 which gave recently are a firm strategy to keep players on the side of Epic Games, but how much does this maneuver cost the company?

Paying publishers

Free games do not come cheap to Epic but it is not that it costs a millionaire to give for a limited time some of the triple A releases that have been rolling around for a few years, take for example Warner and his Arkham saga which Epic paid a total of 1.500. 000$ for having this game franchise free for some time in the store, normally what Epic does when they want to give away a game from their Store is to contact the developers and publishers to tell them the idea and establish costs that are averaged with the number of days that the game will be given for free and the success that has had or still has this in the market, so the costs of each game vary greatly and although the Epic Store has reported profits since practically its creation is a strategy that only these guys can perform.

If we review some general data that had the Epic Store in 2020, a key year in the tremendous boom that had the video games we can see that Epic has given away more than 700 MILLION dollars in games in more than 103 games that were placed with the sign of free in its Store, however this strategy certainly pays off every time it is applied in the form of new subscribers, that potentially will be new buyers in the future or players of their other titles, this is a little bit Epic's strategy with respect to its competition with Steam, if you want me to continue talking about this area I will read you in the next post, leave me your love down here or welcome me back to Hive.

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mil gracias a @eddiespino por la delegacion espero mi contenido sea suficiente por ahora aunque no tenga duda que apoyare su proyecto

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