Our friend is alive! Shadow of the Tomb Raider #4

Welcome back to my series from the game Shadow of the Tomb Raider this is episode number 4.


I take you to a world full of thrilling dangers and difficult puzzles. To go further we have to use our brains, because the puzzles can be really difficult. If you like that kind of atmosphere this game will definitely appeal to you!

"Shadow of the Tomb Raider Screenshot 2022.01.07 -"

Our initial task was to find our friend. He was missing from the previous episode, when our plane crashed. This was a fairly easy task since most of the search had been done in the previous episode. We found the wreckage of our plane and with it our friend. Lara was very happy to see him!

"Shadow of the Tomb Raider Screenshot 2022.01.07 -"

It turned out that my friend had a parasite under his skin, a huge worm. It threatened his health. Lara used the knife to pull it out and saved his life.

"Shadow of the Tomb Raider Screenshot 2022.01.07 -"

Our first puzzle was to cross the bridge. We had to use water from the flowing river to do this. It wasn't very difficult, but it did take some time.

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For the first time in the game we got to choose between two paths. The main mission and a side mission. Of course I chose the side mission. I like exploring the map it gives me extra fun.

"Fotoram.io (9).jpg"

There are many obstacles waiting for us, but the views are worth it.

"Shadow of the Tomb Raider Screenshot 2022.01.07 -"

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