Retzark updated card design

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Exciting news for all of you!

We have been meaning to make a slight overhaul of our existing card design. The primary goal? To make matches quicker, ensuring they fall within the sweet spot of 3-5 minutes.

While messing with a functional demo for the game, our team noticed that matches were stretching beyond the intended duration, as the skills and attacks often go through the shield first before you are able to damage the card's health. While seemingly trivial, we believe this will inevitably lead to a decrease in the game's overall excitement and pace. In response, the @retzark team has made the strategic decision to eliminate the 'shield stat' from the cards. This change is expected to accelerate gameplay, ensuring matches are not only fast-paced but also retain the strategic complexity that you guys (and gals) will hopefully love.


Anatomy of Retzark's new card design

Another significant change is the removal of card specialties (e.g. fighter,rogue,etc). The Retzark team felt these classifications were overly restrictive. By doing away with these categories, the game opens up to a wider range of skill combinations, encouraging players to experiment with more diverse and dynamic strategies.

We are all about delivering an easy-to-learn and enjoyable card game experience and are committed to fine-tuning and tweaking the game to keep up with players' expectations. These latest changes are a testament to our dedication to continuous improvement.

Stay tuned for more updates and get ready to experience the new and improved Retzark!

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