SPS, to increase its Value

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For the last couple of weeks, Splintershards (SPS) has been hovering around $0.005-$0.009. Although, there seems a momentum gaining up in the price of SPS after the recent TOWN HALL. There seems to be some exciting news which would be happening within the ecosystem of Splinterlands in the coming months. These changes will bring additional values within the game.

Few upgrades which will eventually have a positive impact in the game quite effectively

  • Once DEC reaches its pegged value
  • New set of cards will be released
  • SPS getting burned
  • More people gets onboarded
  • Upcoming update, Building in a free to play experience where players can earn glint and soulbound items

Once DEC reaches its pegged value multiple events will take place. DEC was suppose to stay at its pegged value from the very beginning but seems like for the last couple of months that scenario has not been happening. DEC hitting its pegged value will allow SPS to get some initial value. As once DEC hits its pegged value it will trigger the burning event of SPS. Which is what almost everyone is looking our for. This event will not impact the ecosystem of Splinterlands but it will probably be the most expected turn of event which almost everyone is eagerly awaiting for.


As this burning event will trigger the way how people will think about SPS, which is SPS will be burned in thousands. Which will eventually gets burned from the entire circulation. This will also trigger the event of buying SPS from the market and burn it for DEC. This will eventually enhance the price of SPS and correlatedly it will also increase the demand of SPS. And not to forget, it will eventually increase the price of SPS which we all are probably expecting in several ways.

Once the new sets of cards gets released there will be a pressure of buying those cards using DEC. This will also act as a boost in terms of price of DEC in the market. If that happens it will be an all out event for us all. Since, the release of these new sets of cards is expected to be available next year in April 2025, it is quite acceptable to say, we will be in a peak bull market scenario. And almost everyone will have their pockets filled and this will also have a positive impact in the ecosystem of Splinterlands.

In the upcoming updates which were discussed in the recent Townhall, new users onboarding issues have been discussed and possible updates are in the pipeline, which will help new users for free to play experience and where they will be able to earn glints and soul bound items from the game. This will eventually enhance the new user experience and will also allow the new users to jump in on the game for more and more entertainment.

In addition if we get a new Tier 1 CEX listings, it will not only enhance the publicity of the game but it will also act as a catalyst for SPS to be seen by outsiders and get to know about this game in mass. I suppose everything will happen sooner than later and once it happens, will be in for a huge ride which we have never seen before. Till then keep accumulating SPS and wait for the right time.

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