There has to be something else...

Amicia was like, "NO, NO, NO" after seeing the body and Lucas suggested they can stop and look for another way but Amicia said she has to see. We went close to the body and it looked like it's Amicia's father's body.

Amicia didn't get a chance to mourn properly as thousands of rat came down and they were formed into a cluster which is like a cyclone and they started putting out the fire around.

I had to shoot Ignifer on a cluster to destroy it though the rats were not eliminated this way. Only the cluster was being destroyed.

Amicia showed the window of Beatrice's study to Lucas and said they needs to reach there anyhow. Lucas handed the torch over to Amicia and I started leading him and when I reached the ground where her father's body was seen, I noticed the rats took the body beneath the soil.

Finding a door, I was moving forward and what do you see on last two pictures above? Do you see the skeleton attached to the wall? It's horrible, ain't it?

We found two bodies of the servants but surprisingly their body was intact but we saw what the rats do to dead bodies. Amicia's father's body was also intact after all this time which is strange.

Leaving the torch behind, we climbed up the stairs and we were going towards Hugo's room where Beatrice had her study. We noticed countless rats were converging there and heading towards Hugo's room. That's Hugo's bedroom that's totally taken by rat home.

There were some pots with simple infusions in this room that Lucas mentioned not strong enough to cure Hugo and he was thinking there must be others.

Now we reached Hugo's playroom that was totally intact, everything was like it was before. When Amicia was wandering around, Lucas checked some pots there but all he found were normal standard potions.

Lucas believed Beatrice must have been working on a more complex elixir so there has to be something else.

Lucas was suggesting Beatrice must have a laboratory somewhere and then Amicia said there's the old Roman ruins that Beatrice didn't want Amicia to go. So now we came out of Hugo's room to go to the garden area as that's where the hidden place should be.

There were stacks of straw around on the way that I kept burning up using Ignifer so the rats can't get to me and when I reached an open space where I'd need help of Lucas, I didn't find him anywhere around me. He vanished in thin air. So I kind of tried suicide there so Lucas comes back at the checkpoint.

My plan worked well and Lucas came back. There was this cart that we needed to use to move the rats away but Amicia asked Lucas to push it alone which would be so hard for the kid but they had to do it as I had to destroy multiple clusters of rats on our way.

Then we reached the exit gate where I found the dead body of Lambert who died when we escaped this place and Amicia thought her mother died there. Now we're sure that Beatrice is alive.

To know what happens next, you need to keep following me so you don't miss my next post.

That's all for now. I'll write about more of this story again soon. Be safe till we meet again.
Au revoir/Goodbye.

All the screenshots are my take from my play using the in-game photo mode and I tried canva to edit the thumbnail.

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