The End of the Plague.

It was a heart touching moment when Amicia was taking Hugo away but the kid was not leaving Rodric's hand. I'm feeling the sadness once again now. This is the effect of being a writer that I have to face the sadness or happiness again when I write about them. May his soul rest in peace.

We lost Rodric, we lost Arthur and these losses made the others bloodthirsty for the blood of Vitalis. I can't believe we're almost at the end of the story though I'll make one more post with the Epilogue of the game which is like the last chapter.

With Vitalis, we ended the plague for now. Let's check out how the final fight with the final boss went for me.

Hugo was too heartbroken after losing Rodric as the kid was too close to to Rodric and there Melie started kicking things around with rage and she was talking about making the b*** pay but Amicia made them understand that their priority should be stay alive now.

Melie was talking about can't take any more of bloody rats and Hugo said they're going to get them through and he just waved his hand and all the rats gave them way to move forward.

It looked like the rats are one of us now. They don't bite us anymore as we were going through them and Hugo got a deal with Melie that he'll help them kill Vitalis and they'll help him rescue his mother.

We got some guards there that we dealt mostly using the rats and then there came more of them from the church. Amicia warned the guards that they'd die fighting them and they replied they're ready to die.

Hugo suggested Amicia to take out to flames there as there are rats below which we did and we took care of the guards using the rats.

They went inside the church and shut the door from inside so no one else can get there now and Hugo was saying he could feel something bad is going to happen there.

We found both Vitalis and Beatrice and it looked like Vitalis already caged Beatrice there to make the others weak. There was another intense scene that you can see above. Vitalis sacrificed all the alchemists there for some cause.

Beatrice asked the others to get out of there saying Vitalis has passed the threshold. Now we started moving forward when Hugo kept breaking the rats out of the ground and it looked like they were bringing an army with them when Vitalis was waiting there alone.

Vitalis was not scared cause he had everything set up as he knew this moment would come. First he asked his guards to throw flames towards Hugo so he won't be able to use the rats.

Then he called these white rats that he's been experimenting in their lab and made his own army. Vitalis is calling the rats the Angels of the New World. So, Vitalis has unleashed his army against them and had to move back.

This battle was between the good and the devil when both of them were using rats as their weapons. Leaving Melie and Lucas behind, the siblings started fighting their way towards Vitalis as they had special blood running in their veins. I had to help Hugo making cluster of his rats by concentrating enough rats in the same area and I started sending the clusters to break the clusters that Vitalis was sending towards us.

We kept breaking clusters of the white rats and we reached close to the cage of Beatrice but it was hanging so Amicia was trying to get her down using his sling and that's when Melie kicked the guards from above and Lucas sent Beatrice down.

But it looked like Vitalis hasn't shown his real power yet that he started showing now. He was making cyclones using the rats and was trying to crush them on us when Hugo stayed back with Beatrice.

First I tried to see what happens if I run towards Vitalis, through the rats and this happened, Amicia can't be alive going through those rats as only Vitalis controls them.

I had to distract Vitalis and bait him to send his angels towards me and I was using Hugo's power to break the clusters at the same time. And when I was successfully breaking those closers, I was getting chance on hitting Vitalis using my slinger which broke him after some try.

It was definitely not as easy as I wrote it. I had retry again and again to get to this scene where we made it possible and we took down Vitalis for real.

The great evil was still trying to use the rats when he was taking his last breath but he couldn't do it as no one follows the dead. With Vitalis, the plague has ended.

To know what happens next, you need to keep following me so you don't miss my next post.

That's all for now. I'll write about more of this story again soon. Be safe till we meet again.
Au revoir/Goodbye.

All the screenshots are my take from my play using the in-game photo mode and I tried canva to edit the thumbnail. The frames and the logo of the came were collected from online.

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