This Is What Century: Age of Ashes Needs To Thrive

I got pretty hyped about the recent news about Century: Age of Ashes so I sat down and brainstormed a bit on what the game needs to thrive. The result is this video.

As always I'll be dropping votes for people in the comments who either subscribe to my channel, like my videos on YouTube, comment on them or all three. Just let me know in the comments to this post if you did any of those!

This Is What Century: Age of Ashes Needs To Thrive

Behind the scenes

This video was quite fun to make. It was nice to be creative for once insteadof basing my content on guides and changes to a game. This one here is 100% my brains original ideas.

The video has already been live for a few days. It was published 3 days ago and has harvested a very decent 550 views in that time. I didn't really expect this one to take off that much but it did and it's also ranking as a 2/10 video on my channel, which means out of my last 10 videos this is the one to have performed the best after a given time period. It compares to how the other videos were performing at the same time relative to when they were published so this is a really nice feature.

In other news my channel is doing pretty well recently. Lost Light has had a big surge in popularity due to the recent big update and global release which means my Lost Light videos have been popping off. This has resulted in a heap of new subscribers and a truck load of views.


Before this recent surge I was averaging about 4 new subscribers a day and around 1000 views per 48 hours. Now those numbers are up to 8 subscribers a day and close to 3000 views per 48 hours. It's really cool to see this happen and I was quite surprised by it. It's a lucky break seeing as I wasn't aware of the upcoming global release as I made those videos but I'm not complaining.

Since Lost Light is popping off right now I'm going to be doubling down on that game for a while. Lost Light has been the game that's given me the most views and subs lately so I gotta try and satisfy my audience. At the same time I'm gonna have to try and be creative and come up with more content about Century: Age of Ashes so I don't start losing viewers who subscriber for that. I'm gonna have to find a balance of sorts.

Age of ashes thumbail.jpg

I keep on checking nay channels where the devs of Century drop news as I'm kind of starved on content to make about it right now. I don't want to force content out just for the sake of it so we'll have to see how it goes. Hopefully they release some more news on the PlayStation release soon that I can cover.

In the meantime expect to see some more Lost Light. I'm gonna have a four video series coming up with loot guides for the different maps in the game. Those are videos I don't expect to do well early on but rather videos that I expect to get slows views over a long period of time. So called evergreen content that never goes out of date and is relevant even years from now.

For now enjoy this video about Century: Age of Ashes and if you want to help me out in growing please engage with my content on YouTube by liking, commenting or subscribing to my channel. It will help me immensely on my journey to becoming monetized.

All images in this post are screenshots taken by me.

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