Taking a look at my gaming library and the games I currently have installed

My Steam library sorted by hours played

A couple of days @daltono made this post asking what games we all have installed right now. At the same time he encouraged people to make their own post so that's what I'm here to do.

I play most of my games on PC and the Nintendo Switch. The PC has been my main gaming platform since I was 15 and received my own PC. Back then I was mainly playing MMO's which were extremely time consuming. These days I'm mostly playing single player or coop games and the occasional party games like Mario Kart og Mario Party.

Even though PC is my main gaming platform my Nintendo Switch is far from gathering dust in the corner. I use it a lot. Me and my girlfriend play a lot of games together on it but I do play some games for myself. The Switch is just so easy to pick up and get going with.

I found it quite ironic that Daltono mentioned PCs having near infinite capacity and that would make our lists very long. I have to call the contrary. The SSD I have in my PC is a meager 240GB, although I have a 2TB HDD installed. I play games on the SSD and use the HDD mostly for file storage. That leaves me with 222GB for games and other programs after the OS has had its share. So Daltonos 667GB sounds quite luxurious.

This SSD is closing in on 5 years though so it's due an upgrade. I generally don't upgrade my PC until its absolutely necessary or until I notice I'm losing a lot of performance in games. I'm currently running a GTX1070 alongside an i5-7600K processor. I'm mostly doing fine in the games I play but I was really close to upgrading the GPU and CPU when Cyberpunk dropped and I was barely pulling 30-40 FPS on decent settings.

GPUs are hard to come by these days though. The cards I want have been sold out for months. If only crypto mining wasn't so lucrative I would probably have upgraded already. I guess crypto is both making me money while saving it for me at the same time. Kinde ironic.

With games starting to take up a lot of place I have to make choices. Luckily I don't really play a lot of PC games at the same time though so it usually works out. Due to having a 1000/1000 internet connection I'm doing fine however. Games download fast enough so that it isn't really an issue.

What is quite ironic though is that I have more games installed on my 32GB Nintendo Switch than I do on my 222GB PC. On the PC I currently have 3 games installed while the Switch has 9. Of course that comes down to most games on the Switch being heavily compressed and optimized to fit the format. Most games are also quite arcadeish and doesn't come with lifelike graphics and heavy textures like many of the AAA games I play on the PC do.



I install and launch all of my games through the GOG Galaxy 2.0 launcher. I have my library spread out across Steam, GOG and Epic. GOG connects them all together and works as a hub for all of my games. At least all of the games I have on those platforms.

I also have Black Desert Online installed which has its own launcher. This is one of those time consuming MMOs that I always play a little bit on the side of everything else. I don't know if I would say that I actually play it as much as just managing stuff in it. The game has a great node and resource management system that runs by itself once set up. You just need to maintain it every now and then.

Aside from that I have Deadside and Metro: Exodus installed, as pictured. Deadside is an open world survival shooter that I play every now and then with my brother. This one goes in and out of being installed quite often as it only takes up 8GB of storage.

Metro was meant to be my main game for the time being but I haven't really been able to progress much in it after writing about my first impressions. I'll probably be giving it another chance in due time but right now it feels like I might just give up on it.

That leaves us with this list on the PC:

  • Black Desert Online
  • Deadside
  • Metro: Exodus

Nintendo Switch


The Switch has a few more games installed. Not all of the games you see in the library here are installed. Some are shown because they're recently played on a cartridge and some have been archived.

I currently have these games installed:

  • Super Nintendo Entertainment System
  • Immortals Fenyx Rising Demo
  • Pinball FX3
  • Hades
  • Totally Reliable Delivery Service
  • Dead Cells
  • Enter the Gungeon
  • Super Mario Party
  • Mario Tennis Aces

Games that I regularly play on cartridge:

At the moment I'm mostly playing the SNES emulator. Reliving some of those old gems while also writing about them for the Retro Gaming Blogging Challenge that's going on. I'm currently working my way through Super Mario World after giving up on Donkey Kong Country.

I downloaded the demo for Immortals Fenyx Rising yesterday without trying it yet. Maybe I'll jump on that after writing this post.

Pinball FX3, Totally Reliable Delivery Service, Super Mario Party and Mario Tennis Aces are games that me and my girlfriend enjoy together. We often play pinball while controlling one of the flippers each. This works out great due to the Joy Cons of the Switch being separate and wireless. Totally Reliable Delivery Service is a silly physics based game a little like Human Fall Flat. Super Mario Party we mostly play with friends alongside Super Mario Aces.

Hades, Dead Cells and Enter the Gungeon are games I play alone. They are some great rogue likes that I take for a spin every now and then. Hades has some of the best story telling I've met in a rogue like and the setting is fantastic. The ancient Greek pantheon rarely fails. It's no coincidence this game is currently the second best rated game on Steam. If you like rogue likes and haven't tried Hades yet you're missing out.

A collection of 100% finished games in my library

So there you have it. Not exactly the amount of games Daltono might have expected but the Switch makes up for it. Luckily it's easier for me to replace my SSD when the time comes than it is on the PS5. I'll let the market on pc parts cool off a little and I'll see about upgrading it.

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