New Year Shopping Spree at the Steam Christmas Sales!

As all of you dedicated gamers in the community will know, Steam is having a Winter Sale. This happens every year and it's one of their biggest sale in the year next to the Black Week sale. They also happen pretty much back to back.

I took this opportunity to go shopping! I scrolled through my insanely long wishlist to find the best deals for me. In this round I mostly picked up relatively short and straightforward games to record some let's plays of. Games that have good stories and aren't too long.

Let's take a look at what I found!

Layers of Fear 2

This one was the first to go in my shopping cart. I recently did a let's play of the first one including the DLC. I loved that game to bits. Even though it was mostly a walking simulator they did a good job with the jump scares and story telling. The game had me screaming big time.

The second game has pretty much no connection to the first game as far as I know. We play as the main character in a movie that's being recorded on a ship. I guess something happens that turns it into a horror movie instead. I'm excited to see what this one has in store for us.

Both images were picked up from the games store page on Steam.


Observation is a game I've considered picking up many times. It's a story driven game set on a space station orbiting Saturn. What's special about this one is the way it tells the story. Apparently the story is told from the point of view of the space stations A.I. called S.A.M.

We also play the game as S.A.M. and our task is to control the space station and to assist the crew in uncovering the mystery that's befallen the space station. I'm a huge space nerd so this game is right up my street.

I bought this one bundled with a game called Stories Untold that I don't know much about. The bundle was about 2 cents cheaper than buying Observation alone so I saw no reason not to buy it. Don't know if I'll ever play it.

Both images were picked up from the games store page on Steam.

Trover Saves the Universe

I remember hearing about Trover Saves the Universe for the first time when watching 2K Games' announcement of Borderlands 3. I was watching it live and they announced this one right before Borderlands 3.

This one is made by co-creators of Rick & Morty. I used to love that show back when it was new. I've sort of fallen off that train in the later seasons but this game looks crazy enough for me to want to play it. Judging by the screenshots this is one that @derangedvisions would enjoy while munching some shrooms or something.

This one can also be played in VR which I will probably give a go after doing my let's play of it.

Both images were picked up from the games store page on Steam.

Hellblade: Senua's Sacrifice

This is probably the one on this list I'm the most excited about. Both @daltono and @derangedvisions has given this game a lot of praise. It's heavily story driven as far as I can tell and I've been told it has some amazing visuals and sound design.

This one also supports ray tracing which is perfect seeing as I've just gotten myself an RTX 3070 Ti. I'll be able to really test out what that card can do with this game. It also comes with a VR mode that I'll probably check out after recording my let's play series.

Both images were picked up from the games store page on Steam.

Call of Cthulhu

This one is based on H.P. Lovecrafts beings. Those that watched my let's play of Dagon will know that I love Lovecraft. This one isn't based on one of his original stories but rather adopts and takes inspiration from his universe and some of his creatures.

This one combines both exploration, investigation and a little bit of RPG. As far as I know you'll have to play this one a couple of times to get the whole stories due to different builds giving you access to different things. It's gonna be fun!

If I remember correctly @celticheartbeat also did some posts on this game so if you're interested you should go dig through his profile and see if you can find those!

Both images were picked up from the games store page on Steam.

Final words

So that's it! These are the games that found their way into my library during this Steam sale. The full price of these games would have been around $100 but I got them for the fair price of around $35. That's a decent discount for sure. 65% saved!

This post also functions as a sneak peak of the let's play games that will be coming up on my 3Speak channel. I only post let's play every second day and I try to have three games going at once. I still have to finish up A Plague Tale: Innocence and Control is also an upcoming series. I also need to start playing these games so there will probably be a couple of weeks delay before these let's plays start popping up.

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