I'm a first class Outrider now! | All achievements unlocked

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What an awesome sight that is. Unlocking all achievements for games is something I really dig, especially if the game is good. Outriders is one of those games. What I really enjoyed about it is that you don't really have to strive to obtain them all. All of them can pretty much be unlocked just by playing the game like you normally would.

I unlocked them all after exactly 40 hours of play time.

Outrider, First Class

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This is without a doubt the big one. It's the last achievement I unlocked and also, judging by the numbers, the achievement a lot of people are missing. Unlocking it isn't all that hard though if you just diversify your gameplay.

To unlock it you need to complete all class-related Accolades for one of the classes. Accolades are basically achievements within the game that you unlock by playing. They can consist of killing a certain amount of enemies, killing enemies with certain types of guns or in this case using all of the different skills that you class has available.


These are the accolades associated with the Pyromancer. All you really need to do is use your skills. Because I like to diversify my gameplay by testing out different builds this one wasn't to hard to unlock for me. That isn't the case for all people though.

Only 1.1% of all the players on Steam has collected this achievement. I don't know what the numbers for other platforms are but I would guess it's around the same. There's probably two reasons for that. People either aren't diversifying their gameplay all that much and are sticking to just a few builds. Or, not a lot of people has played enough to utilize all of their skills all that much. I would say that this is definitely a late-game achievement and most people probably hasn't reached end-game yet or may have dropped off. The game has been receiving a lot of mixed reviews after all.

Still, the game has 21.000 people playing as of this post being written with a 24 hour peak of 38.000. With that number of players the game can't be all that bad, right? I think a lot of people just like to whine if things aren't perfectly perfect. There has been a lot of server issues after all, and I've even heard about people having their progress wiped due to updates and other stuff outside of their control. That would definitely be a game ruining experience for me.


The rewards

Now are there any rewards involved for doing this? Sure, but not really anything big. The game does have quite a few unlockable cosmetics, that can't be bought with micro-transactions thank god, and that's pretty much what you get. These are tied to unlocking the accolades which is central to unlocking all of the achievements.

I guess the real treasure is the gear we got along the way. As mentioned all of these achievements can be unlocked by simply playing the game. As you do that you unlock higher world tiers, which rewards you with some loot, and reaching those higher world tiers makes the game harder which in return gives you even better loot. Much like how Diablo and Path of Exile does it, and probably a ton of other loot based games.

For the last achievement I got this skull for my banner. Pretty underwhelming, but I guess it's cool to be among the 1.1% of Outriders who has it.



The cosmetic rewards are nothing compared to the awesome feeling of completion. I am suffering from a case om completionism although I don't go for 100% completion in all games. The game has to be really fun and cool if I'm to do that. If it involves mindlessly grinding for hours for just one achievement I'll pass however.

Outriders is not the first game that I've unlocked all of the achievements in. My biggest achievement in gaming ever is doing just that in the Witcher 3. I did that in a 180 hour playthrough and that was also my third total playthrough of the game. I probably have close to 500 hours in that game alone.

Below is just a small collection of my 100% completions. I have a decent amount on my PS4 and Nintendo Switch as well.

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I'm gonna be pushing for a couple of more tiers in expeditions now and then I'm probably putting down Outriders for a while. While it's an awesome game I don't really see myself bothering to push all the way to the endgame in one go. I'll probably keep the game installed and jump on every now and then for an expedition or two. Expeditions only take 10-30 minutes each so it's really easy to just load up the game and go for one if you're just looking for a quick session. That's something I really like.

Outriders Screenshot 2021.04.24 -

Outriders Screenshot 2021.04.24 -

All un-sourced images are screenshots taken by me.

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