Get To Know The Classes in Century: Age of Ashes

I'm back once again with a new YouTube video! I'm continuing me small success with this game by doing a guide of the free classes you can play in the game.

Don't forget to drop me a like and subscribe if you think my videos are decent! It will help me tons in my growth on the platform. I'm closing in on 50 subscribers now. Halfway to getting me that custom URL!

Get To Know The Classes in Century: Age of Ashes

Behind the scenes

I'm really getting the hand of editing now so producing these videos is becoming faster and faster. My fingers are teleporting between all the different hotkeys for maximum efficiency. I found editing to be a bit tedious at first but now that I'm getting the hang of it I'm enjoying it more and more.

I tried making this video a bit fancier than the last few with the banners flying in. I dabbled a bit in this with my last video as well and decided to keep it going with this one. My experience with Photoshop helped me make all of these in no time. It's also simple to copy and paste the effects from one snippet to the other in Premiere Pro so I didn't have to animate each one over and over again.


I've been really digging the Press Kit the developers has linked to from their website. There's a lot of nice resources there to spruce up these videos a bit.

The hardest part of this video was deciding how long I should keep the banners hanging for. I didn't want them to take up to much space in the video for so much time but I also wanted people to be able to read what they said. I settled with keeping all of them on the screen for the same amount of time even though some are shorter than the other. I explain each skill verbally anyways.

Age of ashes thumbail.jpg

As you can see I'm also using the same font and colors for my thumbnails. For the time being I'm gonna keep on using this font and color combination and sort of make it my thumbnail brand. The Montserrat (Black) font is really easy to read even on tiny thumbnails while the yellow color screams for attention.

So far my videos has performed fairly well. Century: Age of Ashes Doesn't Deserve to Die that had passed 1000 views in my last post has now passed 2000 views and it's still going strong at 13 views per hour. I'm still quite overwhelmed by this.

My 11 Tips That Will Make You Better At Century: Age of Ashes video that I uploaded a few days ago is nearing 200. It's natural that this video wouldn't perform as well seeing as it's mostly interesting to people who actually play the game while the other one suits anyone curious about the game.

Knockout City Is A Free To Play Game Worth Your Time is getting a view every now and then and is closing in on 150 views in total.

I've had stupid nerdy fun following the hour by hour charts for my views. My best hour so far was on Saturday where I raked in a total of 40 views in one hour. I guess Saturdays are just gonna be the best days as most people are off work and just want to watch some videos. I love statistics.


Every video can't perform as well as the last one and that's just how it is. That doesn't mean it's a failure though. I haven't had videos up on my channel for more than 14 days. YouTube videos sometimes takes weeks, months or years to perform well. By having them there they gain a view every now and then and that adds up to the total. Even though my Knockout City isn't that popular at the moment it's still given me 5+ hours of watch time.

So that's it for now. There's gonna be a bit of radio silence for the next week as I'm gonna be traveling. There will probably be a 10 day gap until my next video. I plan to get right back to video production once I get back though!

All images in this post are screenshots taken by me.

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