11 Tips That Will Make You Better At Century: Age of Ashes

My last video has reached over 1000 views on YouTube! I'll be talking about his down below but first I have to present my latest video.

11 Tips That Will Make You Better At Century: Age of Ashes

Don't forget to like the video and subscribe to my channel. It will help my growth immensely!

Since my last video was performing so well I decided to jump straight into making a new one about the same game. This is apparently a game that people are searching for right now and I hope to take advantage for that. Coupled with the fact that I'm having a lot of fun playing this game that was just perfect. I hope people will watch either my first video and move on to this one and vice versa.

As I've said before, expectations are the root to all disappointment so I don't expect this video to perform nearly as well as the last one but I hope it can use some of that momentum to at least get a decent viewing.

I also took extra steps this time to give viewers and extra incentive to subscribe by promising an upcoming class guide for the game. While I've grown up to 37 subscribers now I've actually only gained 5 subscribers from my last video. I'm hoping that by adding more content about this game to my channel people will subscribe to come back for more.

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So, on to the big news of the day!

My last video has reached over 1000 views on YouTube!

And in under 3 days!

I'm so overwhelmed by this. I honestly thought it would take me months and tenfolds of videos to even pass the 1k threshold on one video but somehow it happened on my third. Amazing. And still it's raking in 13 views per hours on average.

I'm not sure what to pin this success story on. Skill? Luck? Good use of SEO? I'm putting my money on the last two options. One of the things I spend a bit of time on when uploading my videos is SEO (Search Engine Optimization). I see this as a pretty crucial step seeing as YouTube is just one big search engine.


How I do this is basing my videos around a select few keywords and I'm using a tool called VidIQ to help me. Basically what it does is make sure I'm using relevant tags and keywords that has a decent search volume. There's no need using keywords that people never search for. I make sure I use the same keywords in my title, my description and in my tags. This way YouTube picks up what my content is about. Without any of this the YouTube algorithm would have no clue what my video was about.

By doing this I managed to get my video to be the #3 displayed search result when searching for "Century: Age of Ashes", "Age of Ashes" or "Age of Ashes gameplay". That is pretty insane actually and something I almost thought was reserved for bigger channels.

That coupled with the fact that the search term "Age of Ashes" has a pretty high search volume and quite low competition made my video rise up.


I'm excited to see how far this video will go seeing as its still growing. I hope the imminent PlayStation release, that was delayed without a new date, will give it a boost down the road as well.

It's also helped me gain a decent amount of watch hours which is great. With an average viewing time of around 3 minutes these 1100 views are really racking it up!


It's awesome getting a motivational boost like this. I bet this can be a long and arduous journey without these little boosts from time to time. Let's hope I won't have to wait hundreds of videos for the next one!

For now enjoy my latest video. Even more so if you're playing this game!

I'm not well over 1/3rd on my way to reaching 100 subscribers. Let's go!

Do also remember that there's a bit of HIVE to be earned over in my last post.

All images in this post are screenshots taken by me.

Follow me on: 3Speak | PeakD | Hive.Blog | Twitch | YouTube

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