Hello fellow hovers, this is my first post on the community and I would like to share with you all my game experience on a game which I really like, it's one of the online games I started playing, the other's include Fire fire like my friends would say FF, clash of clans and mobile legend bang bang.

Of all these games above Mobile legend is the one I really enjoy playing, although sometimes it could get frustrating cause game could go on for hours and no one would be winning then if you let your guard down for a second, your base will get invaded and boom you get defeated.

One thing I also love about this game is the fact that even if you've kill my team and the distance of score which in this case is death, is very high the team with the high death count could still come back and win the game, it just take one guy to let his guard down for the other team to win.

This happened to me but in this case I was in the team that was been bombarded we almost lost, most times my three of my team mate would click on the surrender button but I declined I just had the feeling that an opportunity is coming, in the game I was a tank to I played the role of support, we didn't use the mics that were provided so the communication was not as clear I just decided to like go ahead then when I get kill if the surrender button comes up I'll quite.

While going the fighter in my team was behind me, at this time all my team mates where all active bon was dead, we kind of decided to hold down the other team just fight and then one guy the Assassin in our team just had the idea of staying out of the battle area and move in her Lane.

The other team who was way ahead of us being relaxed didn't care they all just focused on killing the lord so that can end us as soon as possible, our Assassin was able to destroy all their torrents in that lane and successful harbored our minions to their base before they could get back to their base the person already destroyed the base I was so surprise cause I never expected us to even win at all, I was really happy when we did.

This pic appeared when we were done.


Thanks for reading this far, your time is appreciated🤗.

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