Rocket League 2v2 gameplay and Rocket Pass Updates!

Hello, gamers. I hope you are doing well.

I am back with another Rocket League Gameplay video!

It has been quite some time since I shared my Rocket League progress update. I am very pleased to tell you that I won a 3v3 random queued tournament a week or two ago and now I have the "S13 diamond tournament winner tag" which I show off almost every time.

That was an amazing session which I didn't record but here are some 2v2 ranked matches that I played today which were equally fun.

This has not been a very successful season in duels for me as I didn't progress much with my rank. I am still hovering between Diamond I to Diamond II. This season is tougher than the last one where I was staying mostly in Diamond III and even played my placement match for Champ I, which I sadly lost.

Here is the complete video of this weird session where the first half was dominated by me and got destroyed in the second half xD

As I mentioned above, it was a weird session where I won like 3-4 games in a row, mostly with a comfortable margin of goals too. But I think I jinxed myself and took the game so lightly after reaching Diamond III. I lost the next three games after that.

I knew I was tilted at that point and didn't want to continue as I would have lost more. You could see the increased amount of mistakes you make when you try harder and harder, and at that point, it is much better to quit than to play 'one more game' and soon you end up losing 5 more in a Been there, done so many times. Ending on a win is such a motivator but that puts you in all sorts of trouble.

I wished that I ended my session when I reached Diamond III but nah, I had to lose that rank again and get back to Diamond II where I started. But in the end, I think I managed to gain one division which is not a lot but still better than losing

I was happy with some of the goals I scored, especially in the first half of the session. I felt great when those shots were hitting the targets beautifully.

Rocket Pass Updates and Rewards!

The new season started on December 6th and it has been around 6 weeks or so in that time I have managed to reach Rocket Pass Tier 99 and got some nice rewards.

This season's theme goes back to the 90's and 2000's. This time we have some cool music too. There are still so many items left to unlock from this rocket pass. I am looking forward to getting some painted goal explosions!

I have been collecting some random drops throughout the season which I decided to open. I usually open them all at once during the end of the season but I couldn't resist opening some of them.

One of the 'very rare drops' gave me the Scarab car body which is very unique and strange hitbox that almost no one uses in ranked or any type of serious match. I will use it sometimes in my ranked games to troll my

I opened a few more, some were "rare drops" too but I didn't get anything amazing apart from the "Slime" boost.

I will end the post by showing you my career record for Rocket League, I went past 7000 games, and now at 7288 career games! I got a healthy win percentage of over 52% and over 13000 career goals (Yeah, I have wasted my life on this, averaging 1.8 goals per game is not bad at all, considering I don't play duels (1v1) where you score much more goals easily.

Pro Gamer Tips:

  • You played well, but your teammate sucks!
  • You didn't lose, the server was laggy!
  • Only if you had a better monitor and graphics card!
  • Your little brother was playing the match!
  • They were Smurfing!
  • You didn't sleep for two days straight!
  • And the most important one: They were Hacking!
  • Your mom called you in the middle of the game!
  • Your girlfriend was texting you during the game!

Thanks for reading...

Until next time...

Hive gaming text divider from Raizel posted in Hivegaming Discord Server.
Screenshots were taken from the game: Rocket League

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