Madshot: Latest hit in Rogue-lite genre | Review with Gameplay video

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Madshot is a fast-paced, rogue-lite shooter that will not let you drop your controller easily. It is a new game that recently came out of early access and the trailer looked nice so I decided to play.

I was not disappointed, the goal is to defeat Cthulhu but to get to this beast you have to clear multiple zones each having multiple rooms focusing on different aspects of the game and at the end of the zone you will fight with a boss.

Before all that you start in the Manor where you can select your base weapons, choose your rite which you can complete during the run and select your transmutations (permanent buffs and upgrades).

You can choose your path to the Great one. Some levels/rooms are hidden and can be viewed by spending scout points. You can follow any path you like and each build is somewhat unique and you will learn as you play more.

You can also choose to go to rooms with "Aether" which is used to permanently upgrade your transmutation. Also, collecting gold and using it in a shop to buy interesting abilities is a nice strategy. But I prefer, going into rooms with "Alteration", these are special abilities which will help you in the run.

The Great will be a difficult battle and if you have selected your path carefully you should have a decent build to take down the boss. Bog Beast has to be the easiest among all I have faced till now.

It is a fast-paced acrobatic shooter and every level will go up in difficulty. You can also get a side weapon which will help you immensely in your adventure. I like the shotgun because of its high damage and range (did I say range really? lol).

The relic you choose at the start of your run will decide your 'ultimate' attack. There are a lot of options but they have to be purchased first by using "Prima Materia" gained by defeating bosses. One of the ways this game makes you play again and again apart from the fun gameplay.

You will gain something out of each run and that's what I like about rogue-lite games. I don't love the pure roguelike just because every run is entirely fresh and if you lose you will experience a lot of pain because of the things you lost. The only thing you gained in those games is some experience and skill but this is slightly better as you get some permanently gained currency which can be used to upgrade your base character.

One of the notable features is the procedurally generated levels which allow you to use different mechanics and styles. Also, the art style is not bad either. My only complaint about this game is the slight balancing of the alteration (or special abilities), some abilities feel much more powerful than others. For example, the Ricochet ability will make your bullet bounce twice and will unlock more abilities which can improve the damage of those bounced bullets which is so powerful and will only be ineffective against smaller bosses.

It is a fun game and I will keep playing it until I can reach and kill Cthulhu.

Thanks for reading...

Until next time...


  • All the content is mine unless otherwise stated.
  • Hive gaming text divider from Raizel posted in HiveGaming Discord Server.
  • Screenshots are from the game Madshot.

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