Spider-Man 2: The Game | A beautiful game in a beautiful time

『 Hi guys, welcome to my first review of many. If I make a lot of mistakes or I don't do things in the best way, understand me, it's my first review and I have almost no experience. I tell you everything from my experiences, and I hope you feel the same as I do since I tell you from Gamer to Gamer. 』

▶How I met him: Many years ago when I was a console addict, I owe it all to my big brother Steve. He was in charge of opening me to this beautiful world of consoles since I was the younger brother and he always invited me to play, no matter what happened, he always invited me to play with him, he has been with me for 8 years in total, and I loved having a brother as good as him, he helped me to understand all the controls and taught me many combinations and combos to beat the enemies, for example in Spiderman 2 he always did it and I am very grateful, I have always had a nice relationship with him, and when he had his first Xbox 360 I enjoyed it as much as if it was mine, I still remember it as if it was yesterday.

▶I remember that he helped me to learn and know the console, and when I knew how to turn it on and use it when he wasn't there, I got very addicted to it... I told in my introduction that I'm a PC guy, but I also had many years on different consoles, all thanks to my brother who was a vile addict to them. My time in Spider-Man 2 was long, I don't remember how many times I played the story mode but I think I did it more than 5 times, I was a kid and obviously I didn't mind playing what I had already played, I always had fun, and I think every time I played it, I felt better.

▶I always enjoyed the game because of its open-world theme, I felt free, something that with some linear games I didn't have. That made me feel the perfect game, and I think open-world games are made for me. That made me feel the perfect game, and I think open-world games are made for me. I am passionate about feeling free in any game, doing things my way, and not feeling obligated to fulfill the missions the game says, I hate that. Since I was a kid I was a fan of Tobey Maguire, and the fact that his movie inspired this game made me feel fantastic, I think I liked it even more...

▶Being a kid I loved its graphics, for me, it was like playing a super realistic game when I was playing something very simple, however, that's the magic of video games, and even more, if you are a kid, young or teenager, even as an adult you can still feel that beautiful emotion!

▶Tobey Maguire's story was great, and to see it reflected in a game (not 100%) was great, the best thing was my fighting against the crime of the city, and that's one of the plus points I knew in Spiderman 2, to see and feel the skin to skin fights against the enemy, or even going from web to web to get some vandal and beat him to death or recover the purse of a helpless old lady, all these are little things that we have in the game, they are simple but help the story is not the only important point of attraction, that's logical.

▶I remember that I hated and feared Dr. Octopus, for me he was my greatest enemy in the game, we fight against him, and we must save our beautiful Mary Jane, who is my platonic love. The missions of Spiderman 2 seem very easy to me, we also have complex missions but in general, I feel that the game is for everyone and that made my days happy. I remember my battle with Dr. Octopus cost me the first time, after I learned how to defeat him every time I passed the game was very easy, the story has enough hours, and if we combine them with secondary missions we will enjoy the game even more.

▶I do not recommend playing it on PC, I tried it in my years back and it is complex, I could never get used to it since swinging with our web over there is difficult to do, it is not as easy as it seems, however, you can try it, maybe you will be lucky. The idea is to play it with a controller. The graphics of the game are excellent, if we compare them with any game (of the time) we will realize that they are fantastic.

(It says No Way Home, but they are the graphics of Spider-Man 2)

▶The fights with the final bosses are unforgettable, I still remember several and I think it's the essence of the game, that action full of enemies, and they prevent us from advancing if we don't do things right, that's something I loved, the game felt complicated when fighting against enemies, it's very nice. I don't remember almost all the moves, but I do remember that each enemy has its own skill, it's not as easy as it seems, the enemies are fucking shit and the more you try to hit them without stopping, the worse it will be for us...

▶This game was beautiful in my childhood, I remember many good moments and maybe some of you will understand me thanks to this post. I hope you have identified with my position and that you can leave me your happy comment, I send you a very special greeting.





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