Ninja Gaiden #5: We rescue our waifu, but she leaves without saying a word.


List of chapters

Chapters Direct link Date of upload
Chapter 1 Ninja Gaiden #1: Start the story of Old Hayabusa Jun 21
Chapter 3 Ninja Gaiden #3: They kidnap my WAIFU, I just want revenge. Jun 25
Chapter 4 Nnja Gaiden #4: Tanks, dragons and a mysterious demon. Jun 27


Hola que tal mi gente de Hive como están? espero que bien, el día de hoy continuamos la serie de Ninja Gaiden, me sorprende mucho que siga jugandolo tanto ya que he estado ocupado bastante en unas cosas, ademas solo he estado jugando Fall Guys, ahora para sumarse a eso me compre el Elder Scrolls online para probarlo para ver que tal es, anoche estuve jugando como 10 horas seguidas hahaha, puedo decir que esta vez ha sido de los capítulos mas difíciles, con mas jefes seguidos y mas entretenido de todos los que he traído.

Hello my people of Hive how are you? I hope you are well, today we continue the Ninja Gaiden series, I am very surprised that I keep playing it so much since I have been busy enough in some things, besides I have only been playing Fall Guys, now to add to that I bought Elder Scrolls online to try it to see how it is, last night I was playing about 10 hours straight hahaha, I can say that this time has been the most difficult chapters, with more bosses in a row and more entertaining of all I've brought.

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Capitulo 13: Este capitulo aunque es el del video lo resumo un poco como normalmente lo hago, estuvo bastante bien, finalmente pudimos rescatar a nuestra waifu de las manos de Doku pero claro en el proceso nos enfrentamos a el, es una batalla bastante decente, obviamente tiene un daño exagerado pero es bastante fácil esquivar en estas primeras peleas, también nos da su katana que es la Kitetsu, estoy intentado probarla pero no tiene unos combos tan buenos por ahora, me siento algo triste porque rescatamos a nuestra waifu pero no dijo ni una sola palabra y se fue :(. Pero seguimos intentando demostrarles nuestro amor destruyendo a todos los demonios del mundo hahaha.

Chapter 13: This chapter although it is the one in the video I summarize it a bit as I usually do, it was pretty good, finally we could rescue our waifu from Doku hands but of course in the process we face him, it is a pretty decent battle, obviously it has exaggerated damage but it is pretty easy to dodge in these first fights, he also gives us his katana which is the Kitetsu, I am trying to test it but it does not have such good combos for now, I feel kind of sad because we rescued our waifu but he did not say a single word and left : (. But we keep trying to show them our love by destroying all the demons in the world hahaha.

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Capitulo 14: En este capitulo nuevamente me toco jugar con Rachel, me da un poco de pena su historia porque Doku le quiere mostrar lo debil que es para todo lo que quiere lograr:( llega un momento del capitulo donde vamos a alcanzar el alma de Doku que se escapa cuando Ryu lo derrota, nos traslada a algo que parece el inframundo, en este mismo salen las demonios que se nos muestran en un retrato en los inicios del juego, estas son las demonio de la creación, obviamente me dieron hasta para llevar pero bueno creo que perder era obligatorio, no creo que hubiera manera de ganarles sinceramente hahaha.

Chapter 14: In this chapter I had to play with Rachel again, I feel a little sorry for her story because Doku wants to show her how weak she is for everything she wants to achieve:( there comes a moment in the chapter where we are going to reach Doku soul that escapes when Ryu defeats him, he takes us to something that looks like the underworld, in this same chapter the demons that are shown to us in a portrait at the beginning of the game come out, these are the demons of creation, obviously they even gave me to take but well I think losing was mandatory, I don't think there was a way to beat them honestly hahaha.

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Capitulo 15: Sin duda un gran capitulo, me toco pasar por muchas trampas, la verdad odio la lava, soy malísimo para hacer saltos precisos, perdí muchísima vida con las trampas, para rematar hubieron dos sub-jefes en este capitulo los cuales fueron medianamente difíciles sobre todo el de hielo, para luego llegar a un jefe final del capitulo que estuvo bastante bien, solo que si fue un poco aburrido en cuanto a pelea ya que era todo el rato tirar el Shiruken molino de viento a distancia ya que si te ponías a melee te hacías daño o te hacia un agarre que te quitaba muchísimo daño, el problema también fue que por culpa de que soy pésimo con las trampas llegue con muy pocas pociones a el jefe, pero al final se logro pasando asi el capitulo. Espero sigan los capítulos asa de versátiles, teniendo de todo.

Bueno hasta aqui el post de hoy, avance bastante en el juego asi que pronto ya les traigo el #6 post, bueno espero nos veamos pronto.

Chapter 15: Undoubtedly a great chapter, I had to go through many traps, I really hate lava, I'm terrible at making precise jumps, I lost a lot of life with the traps, to top it off there were two sub-bosses in this chapter which were moderately difficult, especially the ice one, and then I got to the final boss of the chapter which was pretty good, Only if it was a little boring in terms of fight because it was all the time to throw the Shiruken windmill at a distance because if you got to melee you got hurt or you did a grip that took away a lot of damage, the problem was also that because I'm lousy with the traps I arrived with very few potions to the boss, but in the end I managed to pass the chapter. I hope the chapters continue to be as versatile, having everything.

Well so far today's post, I've advanced a lot in the game so soon I'll bring you the #6 post, I hope to see you soon.


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