Vampire Survivors - 15 Minutes with Giovanna

Survive! With cats! That want to kill you!


Today's #vampiresurvivor run is pretty simple - we just need to survive 15 minutes with Giovanna! Her default weapon actually makes this a little harder than one would expect - as Gatti Amari is one of the few weapons in the game that can actually hurt you as well as enemies. They're unpredictable capricious little kittens, and definitely have traditionally not been one of my favorite weapons... but, I begin to see their usefulness with THIS run!

The Build

Character: Giovanna
Default Weapon: Gatti Amari
Bonus Stat: +1% projectile speed every level.

Weapon Picks

Default: Gatti Amari
2: Rune Tracer
3: Whip
4: Eight the Sparrow
5: Fire Wand
6: Phiera Der Tuphello

Secondary Picks

1: Spinach
2: Torrona's Box
3: Duplicator
4: Hollow Heart
5: Attractorb
6: Armor
7: [Map Pickup] Stone Mask
8: [Map Pickup] Empty Tome

Evolved Weapons

NO FUTURE, Vicious Hunger (evolved Gatti Amari), Bloody Tear, Hellfire.

The Strategy

We pick Inlaid Library for this run as it gives some nice horizontal space for our cats to go wild in, and it's not quite the damage-fest that some later levels are. Since her cats scale fairly slowly early on, it's important to get some good damage until they can really come into their own.

As mentioned above, these are one of the few weapons that can hurt the player character, so it's entirely possible to kill yourself with your cats. I've done it several times and had it ruin runs that were dicey but not un-winnable - so pay attention to that. I'd definitely recommend having a lot of your PowerUps full by the time you try to complete this challenge, but if you get her early and want to give it a go, just make sure you've Powered Up Pummarola and Armor. Hollow Heart wouldn't hurt either for a powerup.

We don't manage to evolve the guns this run, but we do manage to evolve Gatti Amari in the same run we unlock it officially, which is pretty fantastic! (And, truth be told, was part of the reason I picked this map!)

Gatti evolves with Stone Mask, and you know I love to hit levels where a map pickup will provide an easy evolution! It's a great way to maximize your secondary skill boosts without being forced to build around the limitations of the weapon you're trying to evolve. Even one extra secondary can make a pretty big difference!

All in all, this was a pretty easy run today. NO FUTURE did a lot of the heavy lifting for DPS late-game, and while I would have preferred Pheirragi, it's just not always possible to get exactly the drops we want. Thankfully, because this map has a semi-decent amount of collide-able objects in it, NO FUTURE was able to bounce and explode quite a bit, which really helped when the final ten minutes of packs came into play... and is another reason that I always recommend grabbing Rune Tracer and evolving it. It's a fantastic weapon, in almost every single map.


I'm a bit behind on writing these post-gameplay blogs, so if you want to see some of the more recent runs be sure to hit my YouTube channel (and, while you're there, help a fellow out and leave a like, subscribe, or comment)!

Until next time friends, Happy Gaming!



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