Days Gone: Hot Springs Camp Review.

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I'm back with another post about Days Gone and this is where I'll show and talk about the Hot Springs camp.

Here's my gameplay that I published on my YouTube channel.

For those who didn't follow my blog before or who might forget what I've gone through in the last chapter may check out my previous post about Delivering to Copeland.

And now its about...

Hot Springs Camp

Before leaving for the delivery to Copeland, I've checked on the hole Hot Springs Camp on my own and I took some screenshots so I can talk about it later in a separate post.

This camp looks like a refuge camp where peoples of Hot Springs stays trying to stay away from the dead.

The whole camp is kind of surrounded by water/river and this is the only bridge/way to get into the camp and they have a electrified gate there with a check post where some of them keeps their eyes on the way carrying big toys.

This is the tower where a single guard watches over and I bet there's turning in this and this place is never empty as the world there is in quarantine.

There's this board right beside the guard tower that shows some sign includes a map and some rules to follow.

It looks like bike and bicycle is not allowed inside the camp but who follows every rules, right? Besides these rules are for common peoples and I'm no common people you know. And I'm gonna ride my bike throughout the camp.

There's a bounty shop from where one should be able to go on to do several objectives for bounties although I didn't try it.

And they have this kitchen there right after they enter the camp. It looks like a butcher shop now as someone was cutting meats there but its a whole kitchen and I guess its the only one for the whole camp.

That's the river that's surrounding the camp and they've set up fences as well throughout almost the whole camp.

And there's mountains around the camp as well and I guess the mountains are after the river. And the river plays an important role in this game as I see zombies don't jump on the river.

It reminds me of the K-Drama Kingdom where the zombie virus gets out if the affected person comes contact with huge water.

Well then I've found these Pools of Salome. And that board says this place or maybe these pools were made in 1879.

Here are some good views of the pools. There are bunch of pools in this area and it looks like a park of pools to me.

And this is a place with some tents and other belongings of peoples in that camp. I se there are not enough buildings/houses for everyone so they just made temporary home there.

And there I see a mountain spring flowing downwards to the river. I tried to swim there but I see this option is not advisable for my character as well. When I went into the water, it looked like my character was losing energy/health and I was advised to get to the shore.

And then I've found this burning area where the camp peoples were probably burning dead bodies down as it looked like as there were some dead bodies around it as well. And I see there are parts of bodies as well. What a nightmare!

There's a auto parts shop as well from where I can upgrade my bike includes refueling the bike. And I refueled my bike that cost me 225 in game token.

A riverside which is well decorated.

There's a medical center as well which is of course under open sky and they don't have a lot of medical supplies there but they have some important ones.

I see injured peoples there taking rest but I didn't see any doctor or volunteer who should be treating the injured.

There's one injured man on a bed who looks got scratches on a leg and on the head, and there's a woman beside the man who probably broke his ankle and was trying to fix it on her own.

And this man was laying on the bed like dead although he could be dead as well.

And I've found this lady beside the river who was probably getting ready to cook something up. When I waited beside the lady, she was watching me over but didn't say anything.

And they were trying to produce foods as well. Yeah, as you can see, they were gardening inside the camp.

There's this gun shop from where I may upgrade my guns or buy something cooler as well but all of them costs a lot of money.

There are guards heavily armed beside the gun shop although I'm not sure if they were there for the gun shops or for other reason.

Let me introduce Tucker, who is kind of the head of this place. This old lady has a good relation with my character. The old lady was taking rest on the bench and as soon as I went near her, she stood up for me.

Now, that's what respect looks like.

Then I jumped onto the rooftop of this building to get a good view of the camp although this high didn't give me a big view. But its better than nothing, right?

After that, I left the camp for delivering to Copeland (I may review Copeland Camp another day in another post but shouldn't be soon).

I have a great expression about this camp and I loved seeing them making a tiny world for themselves. This is what a camp should look like when peoples needs to stay away from the viruses no matter if it zombies or covid-19. Yeah, these zombie situations remind me of the covid-19 time.

And it's all for today.

How do you like me narrating of the gameplay?
If you like it, feel free to like, comment & share. I will soon come with another post writing what happens next.

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