Days Gone: Deliver to Copeland.


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I'm back with another post about Days Gone and this is where I'll talk about a single chapter of this game in this post.

Here's my gameplay that I published on my YouTube channel.

For those who didn't follow my blog before or who might forget what I've gone through in the last chapter may check out my previous post about Price on your Head..

And now its about...

Deliver to Copeland

At the ending of the last chapter, I got options to chose about bringing the drug stash to Tucker or to Copeland and I chose Copeland and this chapter begins from there.

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I was still at Tucker's camp and I kind of checked the camp thoroughly and I recorded my experience of checking on the camp (I may talk about the camp later in another post).

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Yeah, it was time for me to leave the camp and start riding towards Copeland through the dead.

As soon as I reached the gate of the camp, a man opened the gate for me and I left the camp and started riding for Copeland taking the drug stash with me.

Noticing a side mission on the map, I started riding taking a U-turn which was taking me to the opposite path. But the symbol of the side mission went missing after a bit and I could hear the sound of a lot of walkers around so I changed the direction and started riding towards Copeland again following the map.


On the way, I've found this man trapped in a car where he was about to get ripped by the walkers and I saved him and I sent him Hot Springs.

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Do you remember this place? This is where Boozer's hand was burnt off by reapers.

When I was riding with pleasure, Tucker started asking Deacon the whereabouts of Boozer through comms. Tucker sounded worried about boozers as he hasn't been seen for somedays. Deacon assured that Boozer was safe.

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I noticed another side mission in the map and I followed it. Then I've found an ambush camp with a sniper kept looking through the gun scope so I left the bike a little fat and I went a little closer to shoot and kill the sniper first. I took a shot but I missed it and then I nailed it on the second try.

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The ambush camp is on Belknap cave, National Monument. So, I gotta clear the camp killing bunch of murderers and thieves as I shouldn't let them escape.

I took the bike with me to get closer to the camp and then I started walking on foot from a distance.

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There were corpses hanging on the entrance and I don't know if they're are corpses of walkers or the peoples who got murdered by the peoples of this camp. I see, such ambush camps has these hanging corpses on their entrance.



There were some traps on the entrance as well and when I was clearing one trap to the side so I don't fall on them, suddenly I've heard sound of a horde of zombies and the zombies were breaking through into the camp.

I took this opportunity to get into the camp so the live peoples don't notice me when they deal with the zombies.


But I fell on a trap and a zombie started attacking me when I was releasing me from the trap first and luckily I didn't die rather I killed the zombie right after I was released from the trap.



Then there came a horde of zombies and when I was about to escape from them, I fell on another trap. Man, this camp is full of traps. And well, I didn't survive this time as the horde killed me with pleasure.


The game restarted from the last checkpoint where I was just outside of the camp. This time I tried to take anther path to get into the camp and the other entrance has a hanging corpse as well and there was a writing "Turn back or die" on the rocks.

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Now I was being followed by zombies and this camp is surrounded by zombies it seemed so first I hid in the grasses to save my a** and there I've noticed the interesting fact that the other living peoples of the camp were not getting hit by the zombies although the zombies were attacking them.

So I guess the zombies gets to rip my face only, lol.


And man, this camp was not capable of saving for the time being as it was surrounded by zombies so bad and I kept getting hit. So yeah, I escaped from there.

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After refueling the bike from a place where I've found fuel can, I kept riding towards Copeland and I've gotten into dangerous situation again on this journey but I kind of got away from them (you may know what I'm talking about if you watch the gameplay).

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And I've reached the Copeland camp after all. Reaching Copeland was really hard this time although I myself into all these hard time by my wish. If I hadn't gone looking for the side missions then I'd be there delivering the package to Copeland long before.

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After reaching the camp, there was Copeland at the entrance and Deacon handed over the package to Copeland.

Copeland was happy getting his hand on the package and he suggested Deacon to see Manny to get help with the bike.

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Mission completed.

How do you like me narrating of the gameplay?
If you like it, feel free to like, comment & share. I will soon come with another post writing what happens next.

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