APEX LEGENDS: New legend Valk officially revealed

Apex Legends is probably one of the best battle royale games out there. Unlike in most other BR games, you are able to pick a hero (Legend) based on their abilities and this helps to match a Legend to your play style even though the roles (support, dps, etc) are far from clear cut. The lore is related to TitanFall universe, weapons seem to be shared (or "evolved from") but I always wondered how far Respawn can take it. We are currently in last quarter of Season 8 and a new Legend was just reveled bringing TF and AL even one step closer. Her name is Valk and backstory seem to closely revolve around Northstar titan:

Few days before the reveal, there was a leak about Valk. Somebody datamined a bunch of info about here, so if you can't wait, go ahead and read https://www.theloadout.com/apex-legends/valk-abilities .

Happy hunting.

Edit: IGN made as sweet video dissecting TF2 lore references. Well worth watching:

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