Splinterlands - June Monthly Progress (Weekly Post)


Last season I got to a rank of 351 at diamond which I consider great from where I started. My card collection mainly focused on silver league but having been competitive in diamond league is nice.


For the month of June I did not get to 1 million DEC burn rate in cards but my collection did rise slightly higher for the month. Now close around $6.5k in card values I have almost tripled in price increase from late last year. The demand for Splinterlands cards is high.

Assets Breakdown


I actually reduce my Plot amount but my net DEC value is over 120k for now. I exchanged some of my alpha cards for DEC so that I can hold more DEC prior to the start of Plots. A lot of things are getting updated soon in Splinterlands and I want to hold some DEC so I can use them if necessary.

Battles Breakdown

With the use of @splinterstats' tools I reviewed my latest season battle statistics.

You can use the same stats tools with link below, it will require your account login to view stats:



The DEC total earned dramatically dropped around 2/3 of what I would typically earn in a season, from ~24k in value down to ~16k. I would assume the competition has become fierce in present season than past hence the less rewards. I hope this does not continue as I proceed to playing current and future seasons.


What makes my total earned rewards for the season even more bothersome is that although I did well in events to earn DEC they added toward the total ~13k which was still lower than my past seasons. Not ideal as I move forward knowing if I do poorly in tournaments it will be much worse in rewards earned.


For the season I went mostly with green splinter in battles but came up short more often than not. This is likely due to my limit in green summoner as I do not have a max level. In time I hope to save for at least one max level in earth splinter.


Most used monster cards without surprise is Chicken, LA, and Cube. I am actually surprise that I have most of my top ten being neutral cards, but then again it make sense as often I would be able to use them mixed with other splinters.

Conclusions for June

The demand for Splinterland assets are starting to really show up in the game as cards are getting more expensive. While rewards are getting smaller to individual players likely due to more players distribution the rewards to. The competition is also fierce compared to the past but this is apart of having higher demand for the game.

As of now I am focusing on earning more DEC to amass enough that I can take benefits off the new upcoming updates in the game that includes the activities of Plots.

The most interesting positive out of this I feel is that the price appreciation for Splinterland assets have risen even though in general cryptocurrency for the month of June suffered. It will be nice to see Splinterlands continue to rise.

Until next time thanks for reading!!!

I have plenty of other cards for rent! Just go on peakmonsters and check out the market place and if you are curious what I offer here is a link:

mawit07 rentals

If You have yet to take part in playing this great game called Splinterlands please click on my referral link. It is free but in order to earn real assets such as cards and token you would have to invest in a starter deck or purchase game cards. Join the discord to learn more. Good luck!


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