Crusade in the Dead City, in Search of Bill./Cruzada en la ciudad muerta,en busca de Bill.[Eng-Esp].

Hello, my friends from #hivegaming, I hope you're doing great!
Today I'm bringing you more of the story of my adventures in The Last of Us, and we will be exploring a pretty dangerous area. I'll also be sharing some of the best images I captured during this journey.

¡¡¡Hola mis amigos de #hivegaming, espero esten super bien!!!
Hoy vengo a traerles otro poco de la historia de mis aventuras en The last of us y estaremos explorando una zona bastante peligrosa y les estare compartiendo algunas de las mejores imagenes que capture en este viaje.

After the rough patch, we set off towards Bill's house, who supposedly owed Joel some favors, and we hoped he could help us. However, we would have to be very careful.

Luego de la mala racha,nos pusimos en camino a casa de Bill quien supuestamen le debia unos favores a joel y esperabamos pudiera ayudarnos, pero habria que tener mucho cuidado.

In this first glimpse, we could already see the place; it was a bit far but not too much. The view was spectacular, and I couldn’t miss the chance to take that shot.

En este primer vistazo ya se veia el lugar , estaba un poco lejos pero no tanto.
Y la vista era espectacular , no podia desaprovechar la oportunidad de sacar esa captura.

The place was massive, like a fully fortified city prepared with hundreds of deadly traps to keep strangers away. Even the clickers kept their distance. Upon entering, I had to be extremely careful to avoid all these hazards and make sure Ellie didn’t end up blown to bits by one of the traps.

El lugar era inmenso, osea toda una ciudad fortificada y preparada con cientos de trampas mortales con tar de mantener alejados a los forasteros y hasta los propios chasqueadores mantenian su distancia, al entrar tuve que ir con mucho cuidado para evitar todos estos problemas y cuidar de ellie para que no reventase en mil pedazos con alguna trampa.

Something I really like is that when I'm about to get a new weapon, the developer thought of giving us some ammo for it beforehand, letting us know we’re about to acquire one. Here, I found a couple of arrows, which made me realize I’d be getting a bow somewhere nearby.

Algo que me gusta mucho es que cuando estoy por obtener una nueva arma el dasarrollador penso en ir dandonos algo de munición para la nueva arma y asi ya hacernos saber que estamos por conseguir una, y aqui me encontre par de flechas lo que me hizo saber que obtendria un arco en algun lugar cercano.

As we retraced our steps through these valleys, we could see hundreds of signs saying "No Trespassing," "Keep Out," "Danger," and many other warnings that the place was dangerous. But even so, we continued on our mission.

Al desandar un poco por estas valles se podian ver cientos de mensajes de no traspasar, prohibido entrar, peligro, y entre muchas mas cosas que advertian que el lugar era peligroso, pero aun asi seguimos en nuestra cruzada.

Here it is, my precious new treasure that would help me navigate through the dangerous world we were facing.

Aquí mi preciado, mi nuevo tesoro que ayudaria ha abrirme paso ante el peligroso mundo que nos enfrentabamos.

As we entered a certain area, there were infected, and while we were trying to escape, I fell into one of Bill's traps and ended up hanging upside down. Enemies were coming from all directions, and I had to take out as many as I could while Ellie worked to free me from that damn trap.

Al pentrar en cierta área habían infectados y mientras escapabamos cai en una de las trampas de Bill y termine colgando de cabezas, mientras los enemigos llegaban por todas partes y tuve que ir eliminando todos los que pude en lo que ellie me liberaba de esta puta trampa.

As I hit the ground, I was nearly infected by that wretched creature, when suddenly, a thunderous gunshot rang out of nowhere.

Al caer al suelo casi soy infectado por esta criatura desgraciada , cuando de la nada sono un disparo estremecedor.

Luckily, it was the very person we had been searching for, who appeared like a guardian angel, though with a terrible attitude and grumpier than ever. He told us that this part of the city was overrun with infected, which is why he had to put so much effort into securing the area.

Por suerte era a quien tanto habiamos estado buscando aparecio como un angel de la guardia, pero con muy mal caracter y mas gruños que nunca y nos dijo que esta parte de la ciudad estab plagada de infectados que por eso era tanta la seguridad que habia tenido que dedicar a esta zona.

As we moved and explained to him that we needed a car, he scoffed at us but eventually agreed to help. We looked for a route and a strategy to get out of there to where he had the parts and the car we would use. But first, we needed to escape from the infected that were all around.

Mientras nos movimos y le esplicamos que nececitabamos un coche , se burlo pero ginalmente accedio a ayudarnos, buscamos una ruta y una estrategia para salir de aqui hasta donde el tenia las piezas y el carro que utilizariamos, pero lo primero era escapar de los infectados que estaban por todo el lugar

I took the shotgun he gave me, reloaded it, and upgraded all my weapons. I was ready to move out and take down anyone who stood in my way.

Tome la escopeta que me regalo, recarvue y puli todas mis armas y ya estaba listo para ponerme en marcha y llevarme a todo el que estuviese por delante.

But before heading off on this suicide mission, I decided to confess all my sins and exorcise my soul; if my time had come, at least I would go in peace.

Well, that's it for today's journey. In the coming days, I’ll be sharing the continuation of this fascinating story.

!!!Until the next adventure!!!

Pero antes de ir a esta mision suicida gui a confesar todos mis pecados y escomulgar mi alma si mi monento habia llegado almenos me iria en paz.

Bueno y hasta aqui el recorrido de hoy, en proximos dias estare compartiéndoles la continuación de esta facsinante historia.

¡¡!Hasta la proxima aventura!!!

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