Minecraft Hardcore with My Sons: Nether Fortress Edition!

(Video 22:07)

I've only looted a Nether Fortress once before, I fell through a hole in the catwalk and died in a lake of lava. So, admittedly I was a bit afraid to do this again, especially in Hardcore Mode! If I fall in a lava lake this time, my whole world gets deleted!

Needless to say I had my eyes on the ground, a LOT, looking for cracks 😂 I wish I would have been as cautious on the journey to the Fortress...

I was fooling around with @alivefoxdeadfox and @animationimagine, it was AWESOME!! We were eating cookies and having a wicked dance party...

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And you know, standing on a ledge by a sea of lava, 100 blocks up, having a cookie eating dance party...what could go wrong?

Fireballed by a GHAST!

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Well that sobered us up a lot...It blew up where I was standing, and I was literally saved by miraculously standing on the one block that didn't explode! My Hardcore life flashed before my eyes.

Onto the fortress!

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The boys had to build us a bridge to get to it, it was terrifying for me to watch!

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We finally reached our destination, finding a Blaze Spawner. Blazes give us the ingredients we need to be able to create a Brewing Stand and brew potions! We are levelling up in this World yo!

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They scare me a tad. Well, what's new in the Nether?!

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But I Mom'd up and killed a couple!

Back in the Overworld, We Lived!

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The Nether Fortress has chests hidden around it and I found golden horse armour in one, my horse Ernest looks AMAZEBALLS now!

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Brewing stand placed in my workroom!

I started adding onto my house by building a new huge bedroom!

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The bedroom is visible through windows in my 2nd story workroom and also the furnace room.


I started decorating it first with a huge bed and some plants. I used spruce leaves as the canopy.

Next, I built a fireplace...but...well...I used slabs on the outer edges instead of blocks so when I placed the iron gates in front of the fire they didn't close the whole way and I burned down a lot of the room LOL! Thankfully @animationimagine was there to help me put it out! After that he built me a new fireplace, I'm so grateful cause his looks AWESOMESAUCE!


He used campfires for the fire with hay bales under them, it creates a lot of smoke, and he made a real chimney so the smoke come out through the roof!


Cool eh!


Well the new add on started looking so good that @alivefoxdeadfox and @animationimagine decided to move in with me hahhahaaa!



They started bringing in their armour stands and chests 🤓 @animationimagine also added in some black stained glass windows and carpeting.


The Final Outcome


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Well #HiveGamingFAM that was some fun minecraft bonding time with my 2 youngest sons, I hope you liked the video and our new addition! We'll see you again soon I hope 🤓 🤗 Take care!


Goodbye from The Bunker!


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