Minecraft Hardcore: We Haz Baby BEE!

(Video 12:48)

I still haven't died in the Hardcore World! It's been 100+ days now!! (Minecraft days of course.) When you die in Hardcore the world gets deleted.

I managed to build my base, set up farms, and get good armour/tools by myself. Then my sons started playing in the world with me, particularly @kiedisbowes. He's pretty good at Minecraft and he decided let's make some BABY BEES!

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We already had one bee with a Hive 😁 at my base, so we needed to go exploring to capture another bee, to bring back and breed with our other bee.

To do this you need to bring with you a bee hive (to encourage the new bee to nest in it), flowers to plant (so it will grab pollen, then it will want to go in the hive to make honey), a campfire (to make the bee docile once it's in the hive), and an axe with the Silk Touch enchantment (to break the hive with the bee in it, and put it in your inventory).

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Found a bee in the wild, gave it flowers and had set up the hive with campfire under it.

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Ready to break the hive with Silk Touch on his axe.

Home Sweet Home

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Placed the new hive on the tree next to our original hive.

Next we just waited until both bees came out of their hives to collect pollen. Once they did, using a flower, Kiedis right clicked on each bee...until you see those little hearts 😍

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After both bees get the hearts around them, they will fly towards each other, make sweet bee love and BREED a BABY BEEEEE!

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Time for a celebratory Minecraft Selfie!


Bwa hahahhaa Kiedis made me a throne! You can see his cute face poking out behind it :)

We've Done a Few More Things in This World


Big ass treehouse and even bigger Mob Spawner.


That cobblestone monstrosity Kiedis built is very useful. It's completely dark in the top section so mobs spawn in it if you are standing nearby. There is water inside it, so after they spawn they are forced down the tube...it's such a long drop that they are inflicted with a lot of damage. It only takes one hit to kill them once they reach the bottom.



They are trapped there with just enough room to slice and dice em! Below are hoppers that send all their loot into a chest. So the mob spawner is great for getting loot & most importantly easy XP.


We mostly use the arrows and bones.

The Tree House

I actually halped a lot with this. Kiedis built the trunk of the tree, and I did all of the leaves. We each have a bedroom in it, and plan to build some more rooms as well.


Kiedis' room.


MomCraft's Room



Inside my chambers.


Decent view on this side. The other windows face the mob spawner lol! We are planning on making it a little uh...prettier someday :) :) :)

Thanks for stopping by my Hardcore World #HiveGamingFAM! Until Next Time...


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