Is Splinterlands a Game or a Good Investment? 8 Months Later...

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Splinterlands: Is it a game or is it a good investment?

Hello friends,
little more than 8 months have passed (precisely 8 months and 13 days) since I joined the beautiful Splinterlands game.

Splinterlands is a really nice game.
After just two battles, I immediately realized that I was in front of a game with great potential:

  • beautiful graphics in full comic style
  • fun game
  • right amount of time needed to complete a battle (about 2 minutes).

My six year old daughter Chiara also enjoys playing Splinterlands.

1.jpgPhoto owned by @libertycrypto27

If a six-year-old girl likes Splinterlands as well, it means that the game developers have done a really good job.

Yes, Splinterlands is a nice game but is it also a good investment?

Every month I do some calculations and write a report to evaluate Splinterlands not as a game but as an investment.

So here we are at my eighth report on Splinterlands.

My reports can be useful to those who are thinking of registering on Splinterlands and want to have an idea on a possible investment path to follow.
At the end of this post you will find the links of the previous seven monthly reports.


Report Topics

Here are the topics that I will cover in this monthly report:

  • Previous Report Result
  • Cards purchased in June
  • Evaluation of Splinterlands as an Investment
    • Total of costs
    • Total revenues
    • Value of the card collection
    • Value of accumulated DEC
  • Many Cards at Affordable Prices
  • Profit / Loss Calculation
  • ROI
  • Final Considerations
  • Previous Link Reports

Previous Report Result

The starting point for evaluating Splinterlands as an investment is the result of the previous Report.
In the first seven months, I made a profit of $ 82,346 and a ROI of 77.02% against a total investment of $ 106,910.


My personal opinion is that Splinterlands still has great growth margins and for this reason I continued to buy cards in June to improve my card collection.

Cards purchased in June

I spent most of the budget on the purchase of summoner cards.

In the following table you can see all the cards that I purchased in the period from 23 May to 2 July.


I spent a total of $ 114.59 (= 556.26 HIVE).


To purchase the cards I used:

- the internal market of Splinterlands (


- the Market of the site


Many Cards at Affordable Prices

In June, I invested more than I invested in total in all the previous months.

The reason?

Players with high-value card collections (thousands of dollars) have offered many cards for sale at very attractive prices.

Take for example the summoner Alric Stormbringher (Level 1) from the Beta collection.


March 2, 2020 - Lowest market price: $ 1,927
July 1, 2020 - Lowest market price: $ 1,875

The price has remained almost the same

If we take level 8 Alric Stormbringher instead (the result of the combination of 115 level 1 cards) the price has dropped from $ 163.62 to $ 68.85.


March 2, 2020 - BCX List Price: $ 1,212
July 1, 2020 - BCX List Price: $ 0.51

At this time it is convenient to buy the highest level summoners that have a really low price.
If you want to see the graphs of the Splinterlands card price trend up to 180 days, you can visit the Tools section of the Monstermarket website:


Evaluating Splinterlands as an investment

To evaluate an investment, you need to compare costs and revenues.


Total Investment Cost

The total cost of my investment on Splinterlands to date is given by the following sum:

Registration Cost (Starter Set) + Cost of Purchased Cards

At the end of May the total cost was $ 106.91.


If at 106.91 $ I add 114.59 $ I get the total cost that I have incurred to date .: 221.5 $.


The total cost is 221.5 $ = 1070.048 HIVE

Now that I have calculated the total cost, I just have to calculate the revenues.


On Splinterlands, revenues correspond to the value of Cards and the value of tokens DEC (Dark Energy Crystal).

How much are my cards worth?

To calculate the dollar value of my cards I use the Peakmonsters website which greatly facilitates and speeds up the calculation.
To calculate the value of my collection of cards I take into consideration the total value using the Market Prices.


The total value is 225.72 $

How much is the dollar value of the DEC tokens I have?

For each battle won, a certain amount of DEC is received as a reward.
Thanks to the battles won and the sale of Dwarven Wizard (Gold) I have on my wallet a total of DEC of 43905.


To calculate the dollar value I must first check the DEC value on Hive Engine (Highest Bid).


The value of my DEC tokens is therefore 20 $.


(Revenues - Costs)

Now we have all the data we need to calculate any profit or loss.


My profit is $ 24,214


(Return On Investment)


Final Considerations

In just over eight months, I made a profit of $ 24,214.

The ROI obtained is 10.93%.

Profit and ROI declined significantly from the previous month.

  • ROI after 6 months: 34.73%
  • ROI after 7 months: 77.02%
  • ROI after 8 months: 10.93%

  • PROFIT after 6 months: $ 27,992
  • PROFIT after 7 months: $ 82,346
  • PROFIT after 8 months: $ 24,214

Profit went down because some players offered a large number of cards for sale at very low prices and as a result there was a general drop in the value of many cards especially in the Beta collection. My collection is mostly made up of cards from the Beta collection.

I think it's just a temporary situation and that's why I still chose to invest a lot this month. When the prices go up I will have a nice profit (my personal evaluation).

Posts and Contests

But Splinterlands is much more!
There are fun contests to participate in every week.

If I consider the upvotes that I received in 8 months from the @steemmonsters account I'm in strong profit and the ROI exceeds 300% only with the participation in the weekly contests!

Splinterlands is a beautiful game but it is above all an excellent investment (my personal opinion).

Previous Link Reports

First month: @libertycrypto27/is-splinterlands-a-good-investment-my-first-month-splinterlands-e-un-good-investment-the-my- first-month-eng-eng
Second and Third months: @libertycrypto27/yes-splinterlands-is-a-very-good-investment-expected-annual-roi-347-si-splinterlands-e- really-a-good-investment-roi
Fourth month: @libertycrypto27/shopping-at-the-splinterlands-supermarket-roi-and-consideration
Fifth month: @libertycrypto27/is-splinterlands-a-good-investment-5-months-later-splinterlands-e-un-good-investment-5- month-after-eng-eng
Sixth month: @libertycrypto27/is-splinterlands-a-good-investment-6-months-later-splinterlands-e-un-buon-investment-
Seven month: @libertycrypto27/is-splinterlands-a-good-investment-7-months-later-splinterlands-e-un-buon-investimento-7-mesi-dopo-eng-ita


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