A Normal Life (with English Commentary).

The gameplay video on YouTube

Nathan started leading a normal life not after the jailbreak but taking a long gap after the jailbreak and he had some awesome adventures in that gap. We know he lost his only family, his brother Sam in jail but did Sam really die? Well, let's discover some secrets this time.

The thumbnail was created in Canva.

So, I showed and talked about the fourth chapter "A Normal" where I got to play Drake Nathan in his home leading a normal life though the normal life is about to get abnormal very soon. My commentary started from the beginning like my other gameplays.

This chapter starts with Nathan being in the attic of his place and it looks like this attic was full of collections that he found in his adventures.

I found two notebooks having two photos where one was with the three of them (Nathan, Elena, and Sullivan) in the same frame and it was taken probably in an adventure as you can see Nathan was holding a rifle. Then there as another one which is about Shambhala.

After exploring around, Nathan was about to bring out another photo form a journal book but he remembered something and didn't wish to check it. It might be a secret that we might unfold later in the long run.

I found a toy gun there and Nathan started being a spy there and I started shooting those hanging targets when someone was calling me downstairs. It was Elena.

I went downstairs and I started exploring around before meeting the lady, there I found a shelf with a bunch of cameras from different times and Nathan was saying he needed to go for a vacation soon.

I went to te bedroom and found the messed up bed and then I found a photo album of Nathan and Elena's marriage ceremony.

I met Elena and she asked me to get the food that she already prepared and left in the kitchen there. I took a soda can out of the fridge in the meantime.

When Elena was talking about her article that Nathan wished to hear, he got distracted seeing a photo of an island there so Elena asked what was the article about and I failed to choose the right one.

Nathan said he'd beat the high score of a game that Elena plays in his free time and it was about Crash Bandicoot. I played it and got only 360 points when the high score was 3500.

Then they started laughing about his play and then they started going to an intimate scene though they showed only the kissing part, lol.

Nathan was working on his desk at the dock and someone started knocking on the door. Nathan was saying they're closed but the knocking didn't stop.

He opened the door and found Sam. So, the elder bro didn't die. Nathan was happy and also surprised so Sam showed his bullet wounds and said he got saved hardly.

When Sam wanted to know how life has been for Nathan over the past years, he started telling stories of his adventures and they spent the whole night there by the dock.

In the morning, Sam started telling his part of the story and he said he was in some kind of problem. He started telling the story of a man named "Hector Alcazar" that he met in the prison and they were about to escape and the chapter ended there.

** To be continued **

"Be Good, Think Good and Do Good"

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