dCrops. Spring summary and beginning of the Summer.


Hello again!

Since spring is over, I bring a little report. A lot has happened!

Today I am writing about:

  1. How my farm has developed in the last two weeks
  2. What will I sow this season
  3. Why beginners should keep what they collect
    ...and a few other tips from a novice farmer's point of view

The first thing. I bought few more lands.
Nothing too crazy. It was only 5 Average ones.
On the beginning of the Spring I had just 2 Fertile and 2 Average Lands.
so from 6 plots I went to 11. Almost 100% grow!

This is what my farm looks like now, with the first sowing of the current season:


If you want to buy new land, you need to consider at least one thing.
If you browse the market, you can find planted lands. This means you can harvest if you add this land to your farm. Seed, of course, you will not get, but a single-season harvest - most likely. If you have a large farm it doesn't matter, but if you're just starting out and don't have many seeds/plots, every little crop counts.

This is as an example what to look for

planted plots market.jpg

Below you can see two lands with kale planted.
They were the cheapest on the market, with a slight premium.
I bought them in the middle of the season, so there was enough time to collect and sow other seeds.

planted plots.jpg

A few days ago I was very lucky!
I bought some Beta packs and found the legendary seed - Eggplant.
I planted it in late spring and will harvest it in the summer.
Eggplant is one of the few crops that can be grown in two different seasons.
What's more - it has 10% for no cooldown, so there's a chance we'll be planting this vegetable more than once from one seed during single season.



I completed a seasonal quest and got 10 items.
I would like more, but it's not that simple. There are almost no Alpha packs on Tribal, and the market for Crop tokens is not the largest. And we need 15k Crop Power for every item above 10.
Another way to increase Crop Power is to have a huge stack of cards as their burn ratio increases CP.
But as I wrote - we need a lot of them, because the Common card gives 3 CP, and the Legendary - 50.
The advantage of cards, of course, is that we can use them, unlike closed alpha packs or Crop token that just lies in the game.


This is my spring harvest.
As you can see, I try to have different plants. You never know what you'll need for a seasonal quest.
I'll most likely repeat myself - don't sell your crops until you've accumulated enough so you don't have to re-roll quests.
Let's say you burned everything you collected in one season and got 200 $shares . This would give you 100 Crop, maybe a little more/less. Each reroll costs 10 Crops.
For example - I collected 4 tulips worth 32 $shares and burned them. It has no effect on my earnings, tbh. But at the beginning of the summer I got a quest to sell 2 tulips. I don't have it because I sold it. So I have to flip and pay for it. If you're unlucky, you can spend all of your harvest to make your Season Mission achievable. So plan ahead!


I produced about 500 $shares, but I saved them all!
The Easter event is coming. Previous - Christmas was pretty cool.
We could win many prizes, including Alpha Packs,
or collect Candy canes and exchange them for reward chests.
Selling crops was one way to earn them



Quest first. My draw was so-so.
3 Sunflowers? 4 Egg Plans? Seriously?! :)
I had to reroll 5 out of 7 quests.
"Plant 4 Wheat" was easy. I only had to buy seeds.
"Sell Basil" was a piece of cake as I saved it from last summer.


I spent some Crop, around 70, and lets see what I got.
I was really lucky. It seems the easiest quest ever!
As you can see I'm in half way already. All I need is time.
I had to buy a lot of Wheat seeds this season!


I've made some preparations few days before Summer season begin.
I wrote about it HERE
My seeds for this season are:


And a sheet with my basic plan, dont laugh! :D
I try to fill plots with a total time of 14 days.
So I have one day to spare for unforeseen circumstances.
When it's only 10-13 days, then I add fast-growing plants like Basil or Oregano to make the most of the time.
Around the middle of the season, I start thinking about the next one. I then buy 5 Beta packs and possibly additional Alpha seeds.
That's why I left the space empty. It is possible that I will find something in the packages that I can sow in the summer.


And that's it for today.
I omit some basic terms and "know how".
If you want to ask something - feel free to write about it in the comments. Cyas!


Image licence: Unsplash
Edited with: Canva
Fonts thx to: CoolText

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