I Went Shopping Recently

Today me and Aimee got the baby off to creche, and around 9:40, we decided to go over to the super market to pick some stuff up.

Before leaving the house, I asked if we could go for a walk through the town first and go around a few charity shops. We did have things to do, and didn't really have time to waste doing that, but I'm glad we did and you'll see why!

Here's a nice little stack of games I picked up. Hitman 2, Fable, A Fable Bonus Documentary, and Return of The King.

Each of these were a fiver, but online they go for a little bit more than that, so I should be able to make a few Euros when I list them... hopefully.

I picked these 4 games up for six Euros, which wasn't a bad little haul for a cheap price, and the mark up should be okay.

It seems like PC games on average are cheaper to pick up, and there tends to be a good bit of room for profit.

I got these two for a fiver each too.

Not bad, but not great. Again, maybe there's a little room to make something, but not a whole lot. But, they're good shelf fillers, so I picked them up.

This one I got for 50 Cent, which was really decent. Especially considering the game seems to go for around 3 - 10 Euros.

Not a bad mark-up, and I wish that particular shop has a few more games going. They had one Nintendo DS game, which I was going to buy, but upon checking the box the game was missing.

Always check out what you're about to buy if you can.

Drum Roll Please, For This Next Game...

I got Halo Reach, Factory Sealed for only five Euros!

Seeing any game which is sealed is worth picking up for the sake of it, it's something cool to have on the shelf, and most likely will be worth something to someone.

But, if you can get a well known and liked game sealed, you could be looking at some decent profit!

Here's a picture of the back of the box.

I honestly couldn't believe this was there, and I was so happy to have gone down town when we did. At any point before we got there someone could have snagged this.

From what I can see online this game sealed has sold for between 87 Euros to 120 Euros! That is one hell of a profit, and the sale of this one item will have paid for the last 3 shopping sessions I've done.

This session - 41.50 spent
Last Session - 52-ish
The Session Before - 40 Euros

I've spent a half decent amount on stocking up, but by my estimations, that 133.50 spent has the potential of returning about 600 Euros.

Before getting to these shops I came across some PS2 games, but upon checking the case the main game of the three I wanted - GTA: Vice City - wasn't there. So I decided to leave them.

Anyway, I think I done pretty well with this little haul, and I'm going to keep on the lookout for games in the future.

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