I Can Finally Play Some of My Older Games

I've ordered something that I wanted to get for a while now, a SCART to HDMI adapter, and I also picked up a capture card for my PC.


I had been searching for one of these for the longest time and was constantly getting spun around. I'd watch a review of one, go to find it, and see it was either unavailable or ridiculously expensive... I want to play some old games, but I am not spending 300+ Euros on it.

The McBazel Converter

I watched a video of someone using this and was happy with how it looked, and their review seemed honest and reliable.

Luckily, it was available when I looked it up, and it was only 32ish Euros, I was thinking of spending up to about 50 on it, so to get it a bit cheaper was decent.

I'll be receiving it on Wednesday and will be able to set it up and try it out, I won't be recommending it to anyone until I do, because I have no idea how it'll turn out.


This is what I bought as well. A capture card, so I can potentially stream some of my playthroughs on Twitch. I'm looking forward to getting back into streaming, and afterward, I'll be able to take the videos and cut them down to upload in smaller episodes.

The Rybozen Capture Card

This is another thing I looked up, as I was finding out exactly how I'd be able to stream my playthroughs, and this seemed to be decent and around the price range I was thinking of.

It cost about 35 Euros, and together I spent about 68 Euros on both items. Originally, I misclicked and spent 75 Euros, but canceled that and re-ordered them without priority shipping.

For the extra tenner, I could have had them the next day, but I didn't mind getting the free shipping and receiving the items on Wednesday.

What'll I Play First?

I have the gun, for the original Time Crisis game and was looking forward to potentially playing that. Until I realised that I wouldn't be able to use it on a modern TV, considering there are no sensors.

I'm going to test it on my older TV and see if it works on that, however, considering it isn't a CRT I don't think it will. So, since I don't have high hopes for that working, I started looking up old TVs for sale and found a 14-inch screen for about 50 Euros. I'm not going to buy it right now, but that seems to be about the price of those old screens.

Ironically, buying an old TV for that game kind of cancels out my need for the converter in the first place... FML. I do, however, need the capture card regardless, so it's all good.


Dynasty Warriors 5

I don't think I've ever written about Dynasty Warriors, but I'm a big fan of the franchise and have been since I was a teenager.

The first game I played was DW 4, and fell in love with it. I played 3, 5 Empires, 6, 7, and 9. So, I've played most of them, but 5 was one I always wanted to play but never did.

While having a wander through one of the game shops in town, I came across it and picked it up for a 5er, so I'm really looking forward to playing/ streaming that.

The 360 Games

I have a lot of 360 games that I haven't played in a long time, due to my old 360 console breaking. I'm going to buy myself a console though, because there are a lot of the old games that never came out as backwards compatible.

To be honest, I can't remember many of the games I have, but there are well over 100 of them sitting in a few boxes all these years, so it'll be a nice surprise/nostalgia trip.

One I want to play though is Battle For Middle-Earth 2, which was one of my favourites on that console. Also, Command and Conquer 3.

Of course, I would be able to play the 360 on my current TV, but I need to pick up the console to do so, and also, to be able to stream some of the games on it I needed the capture card.

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