Cleaning and Photographing Some Games

I cleaned a fairly large batch of games about 3-4 weeks ago, but as of a few days ago I ran out of stuff to list, so it was time to get some more stuff together.

The last bundle of games I bought had been sitting around for a few weeks because there was a lot going on over the last while, but today I finally had a chance to sit down and get them sorted.

Starting off with these two small stacks was a good call, because there are some decent games in this collection.

These are mostly the games I bought from the last bundle, along with a few others.

I've noticed that 360 games seem to sell pretty well, so that was the main focus.

Games By Platform:

  • PlayStation 1
  • Xbox 360
  • PlayStation 2
  • PlayStation 3
  • PC

That's them in order of fastest sellers, to lowest. I've sold a fair amount of each - also the list would be more accurate if I could get everything up on eBay, but I haven't been able to list everything yet.

Starting out, I had to swap the box for Red Dead.

The second disc spool was broken on this box, so I wanted to trade it out for a working one. It's easy enough to do; changing the covers, discs, and manuals around takes no time at all. The main issue was finding a box which had one of these second spools.

Luckily Battlefield 3 had a second one, and the swap worked out fine.

I have about 3-4 copies of BF 3, so it's no big deal.

After finishing the initial pile I got a few more out and gave them a once over.

I'm mainly focusing on the Xbox 360 games, and once these get up and out I think I'll start working my way through the PS3 games I have.

After going through all of the games I was left with these ones here, which are either damaged, or missing discs.

I need to test these ones out because I'm not sure if they're working due to being bad condition; all in all, it's no major loss, and it's only 5 out of a pile of 40+

After they were cleaned I set up the backdrop and lights, to start taking photos of them.

I was left with two fairly large piles, equating to 48 games (46 Xbox 360 and 2 PC games)

I'm going to upload around 3-4 a day, so that'll give me about 14-18 days worth of uploads to eBay, and in that time I should be able to get another batch prepped and photographed.

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