Another Stack Photographed

Today I got the rest of the PS1 games photographed, and I got a bunch of PC games photographed too, and ready to list.

This bundle consists of a few cool games, and a lot of Sims bundles, ranging from the first Sims, to Sims 4.

I've always been a big fan of the Sims games, and me and Aimee usually play them together, she tends to make the people, and I like building the houses, and we take turns throughout the actual gameplay side of things.

They're so much fun, and I think of the lot, Sims 3, is my favourite, but we recently started playing Sims: Bustin' Out on the PS2, and that was a lot of fun and was kind of a spin-off, of the main games.

Another spin-off, which I really liked, was The Sims: Medieval. It was essentially The Sims, in a medieval setting, which was essentially The Sims, and the goals were more mission-based, which was kind of cool and very different from the average game.

So far, this is pretty much everything I have photographed, and it's either listed, or ready to be listed.

There's a hell of a lot of stuff ready to go now, and I'm delighted about that.

I feel like I can give the photographing a rest for a little while now, as I have so much stuff to put up online now, which should give me about a week or more of daily listings.

Here are all of the PS1 games I have ready to go too.

I didn't want to stack these up like the other games due to the fragility of the Jewel cases, which can sometimes break if you stare at them too hard.

So far I have 10 of these listed - well, 9 because one of the games that I listed last night has sold already.

Dino Crisis 2, which I put up for €60, and to be honest, I think I could have put it up for a bit more, but I don't really mind as €60 seemed like the going rate, and a fair price for it.

Here's the Xbox 360, and PS3 games I am yet to list.

There are a fair few here, most likely about 100+, I'm looking forward to working my way through this pile, so I can have everything off the ground, and out of these cardboard boxes that are taking up a bunch of space in my office.

Here are the PC games I have to list.

There are about 40+ of these ready to photograph and list.

I've decided for any game less than €5 in value, or maybe €7-8 in value - I haven't decided yet - I'm going to just use standard shipping, which is roughly €3 around Ireland, and about €6 to the UK and Europe.

The fear of standard postage is that the buyer could potentially lie and say they didn't get the item, but it's a risk I'm kind of willing to take, because while there may be some people who lie and get a refund, hopefully, there'll be plenty of honest people out there, happy to get a bargain.

Charging registered post would - in some cases - mean that the buyer is expected to pay about 3x more than the games value to get it, and I don't think there would be much incentive for them to potentially purchase the games.

Storing These Things

I've decided to buy some wood and make my own shelving for these, and the other things I have.

Buying shelving units works out more expensive, and less shelf space, so building it is my best option.

The benefit of shelving is, I can have all of this stuff on display - especially the Halo stuff that I have left - and I'll be able to enjoy it, while I've got it here.

The idea was to buy storage boxes of some kind, but that way, I'm kind of in the same situation I am now, with boxes taking up floor space, and I have the added disadvantage of not being able to see all of this stuff out on display.

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