No Man's Sky ~ a new journey begins in the Waypoint update


Inspired in part by @rocket47's No Man's Sky travel logs and in part by my recent Starbound playthrough... I decided to start a hardcore game of No Man's Sky!


It's been a while since I last played and I was pleasantly surprised to see that I'm now able to select my own personal difficulty options when a new game is being set up!

AND I'm able to disable the tutorial missions! That makes me sooooooooooooo happy.

I turned off the tutorials, set the game to permadeath and locked it in place. Everything else I kept standard because I don't hate myself. 🤷‍♀ Then pressed the start game button.

This traveller is beginning a new adventure!


I awaken on a fiery planet, hot, lost, and alone. My equipment is broken and I don't know how I got here. I assume I landed here on a spaceship whilst conducting an observation mission, but that's just a wild guess.

I need to find basic resources, stat, in order to repair my equipment and scan my surroundings for nearby shelter or spaceships... before my armour overheats and I melt into a pool of goo.


Volcanoes are all around me, expelling their gas and fire into the air. The AI in my ear repeats her environmental warnings every few seconds. I need to move.


Sucking up all the resources in my path, I hastily slap some repairs upon my multi-tool and enable it to at last scan my surroundings and nearby wildlife, minerals and plants. My AI informs me that credits have been received for my efforts. Yes... I was definitely here on an observation mission.

Now, where was my ship?


A blip flashes across my visor. My ship is just under half a kilometre away. With my flesh heating up beneath my suit, I race as fast as I can towards the marker in the distance...


...only to find my ship was on fire. Of course. Why wouldn't it be?


Luckily I had gathered enough resources to repair it immediately and hastily climbed in and indulged in the air conditioning, my heat stroke quickly disappearing as I relaxed in my seat.

It was all coming back to me now. I was a traveller, exploring the galaxy, photographing beautiful worlds, making credits where I could by undertaking various missions, and I was here to research the local wildlife, scan them, and get paid for my efforts. Cool. I could do that.


Although this planet was searingly hot and making my buttcrack sweat, it was pretty in its own way and I decided to fly around for a bit and explore its fiery wonders.

Surely there would be items underground to excavate and more resources to scavenge. And of course, more things to scan for space moneys. Dollar signs light up my eyes and I zoom onward to explore, conveniently forgetting how close I was to death's door mere minutes ago.


To my delight, I found several deposits of Copper all in one small area and hastily sucked it all into my inventory. That will come in very useful.

(Unfortunately, the inventory and inventory limits seem to have become tiny with the latest update! I'm really going to have to create a base and get some storage going, stat. Story of my life.)


With my buttcrack a-sweatin' in this planet's heat and my inventory slowly becoming fuller and fuller, I decided that it was time to leave this horribly hot planet and find the closest space station for some rest and relaxation.


As I exited the planet's atmosphere however, a transmission suddenly started receiving.

It was a voice simultaneously familiar yet unfamiliar, but I couldn't make much of it out. Curious, I zeroed in on the transmission's coordinates and zoomed down to another planet in this system.


On a planet besieged by radiation, I found the remains of a crashed ship. There were no life-forms around, only a distress signal.

Shrugging, I decided that this was good fortune indeed! And hopped into the broken ship, claimed it as my own, repaired it, and flew it over to the nearest space station.


After selling this ship of good fortune, I mentally jangled around my newfound wealth, upgraded my inventory slots at the outfitter, and prepared to keep exploring this system.

Surely more money was to be made! That couldn't have been the only unfortunate soul to have crashed around these parts.


Hopping back in my own ship, I scanned the nearby planets in hopes of more wealth. None could be sensed from these millions of kilometres away, but one planet labelled a "paradise" seemed very interesting indeed.

I launched my spaceship and hastily landed, preparing to investigate. It seemed as though I had found the perfect spot to create a House of Storage and stash all my crap! At least until I had my very own freighter.


Until next time! 🌠⭐️



All screenshots in this post are courtesy of me, @kaelci and are from the game: No Man's Sky.

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