Let's Play: The Tenants! ~ [part 3]


Last time in The Tenants I renovated a mansion for a drug baron 😱 then with the proceeds of my unwitting collusion I bought my second apartment!

It's another small one bedroom thing in the slums, but a start is a start and soon I'll be able to sell these crappy properties for much better properties in more affluent areas. πŸ€‘


First things first, I sold everything within my newly acquired premises. It was all crap and I'd rather buy new, modern and contemporary things to attract new, modern and contemporary tenants.


With a blank slate before me, I rearranged the rooms, added heating and plumbing and electricity, installed some tiles and carpet and floorboards, and painted the walls.

It was all ready to begin decorating!


I tried to stick with modern/contemporary furniture choices and soon all was complete. Once the internet was installed and security monitoring was up and running, all I had to do was find the perfect tenant for my new property.


I advertised the Open House and soon three people were hovering around, investigating my apartment.

The first guy thought the house was appalling, so I sent him on his way. I will have no negative vibes in my homes, thanks. Another guy came to have a look too but I ignored him as I watched the other two people's reactions. The nerdy computer-looking guy seemed to really approve of the property and he was exactly the type I was trying to attract.


He offered me $800 a month for the place, and I prepared to begin the art of haggling...

...only I was distracted in the real world at the time. xD And I accidentally accepted his paltry offer.

I plan on increasing his rent the moment the month is up. Dayum.

Either way, I now had two tenants to keep tabs on! And I had a quest to own a property with two tenants residing inside it. So thus, it was time to make a lot more money to buy a better apartment that had room for at least two people!


Determined not to bother with bank loans this early in the game, I continued doing odd jobs for people and slowly filled up my bank account.

Just as I finished making a sports room in some lady's house, I got a text from my new tenant asking if we could redecorate his bedroom. He wanted to be a bit more active in his life and wanted some sports equipment in his bedroom.


After my hard work making a nice bedroom, I sniffed with disdain but decided to acquiesce to his wishes.


When I finished redecorating his room for him, he sent me an unappreciative text. "Ugh, can we revert it?" He asked, his words dripping with sarcasm.

I shook my fist and wished that I had never listened to his plea. From now on, I would think twice before listening to my tenant's pleas and consider my own aesthetic also.


Finally this new tenant's lease had almost expired so I tried to negotiate with him to bring it up to a more reasonable price. He refused all of my attempts to haggle. All of them.


So I terminated his agreement.

He would be leaving soon, and good riddance. Once he was gone I could redecorate the apartment back to my own aesthetic and get someone in with a much better temperament.

I mean, I know it's only a crap-hole in the slums, but I don't need this toxicity in my life. xD


With that nasty business with my new tenant over and done with, I returned to my first tenant and happily extended her lease, and offered her a chocolate cake.

At least she is happy! I think I will keep her for a while if I can.


In fact, she was so happy with me as a landlord, that she invited me over to play some game with her. I had to shoot little cactus monsters, avoiding my uncle's face, and I got a perfect score which gave me a bunch of affection points with her.

Woo. My tenant likes me.


Now, if only I could find a worthy tenant for my other apartment now that I had kicked out the other guy.

It took a few attempts to find someone who actually thought my apartment was at least "good" but I eventually did and this time, I made sure to negotiate the price properly. Great success! Here's hoping this guy is a keeper. xD

I guess we will find out in coming days.


Until next time! 😊



All screenshots in this post are courtesy of me, @kaelci and are from the game: The Tenants.

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