[Let's Play] Anno 1800: part two

Previously in Anno 1800, I settled on a semi-decent island and started the great governance of the Elurian people.

I then discovered that Willie Wibblesock settled on the one, single island on the map that had everything I wanted and I longed for it, craved for it, was desperate to claim it for my own and for my people.

To claim the island for my own, I either had to go to war with Willie and take the island by force... or slowly buy him out of his own island. Because I'm a peaceful person with no longing for war and destruction, I decided to take the long expensive road of buying his island.


As I bought my first share, Willie offered me an alliance. He also paid me $12,000 to form this alliance. I had no interest in being a part of an alliance with him, but I happily took his monetary offering and played nice, knowing that I would backstab him in the future.

Hey. Politics. Amirite?


As my island progressed, the next edition of the newspaper was published.

The people were starting to get upset about the severe lack of beer on the island. Beer was the main reason I wanted Willie's island. Worse, while Willie had the capability of producing vast quantities of beer... he wasn't! So I couldn't purchase it from him.

My people had to suffer with no beer for the time being until I could claim Willie's island and use it as it was meant to be used: for a beer factory.


The city of Eluria was expanding wonderfully.

The people threw a celebration in my honour and even set off fireworks. They knew that I was trying to obtain beer for them and they were happy to wait just a little bit longer.


At long last I purchased the last share required to take ownership of Willie's island. Unfortunately I needed even more money before I could initiate my takeover... and Lady Beryl kept trying to buy out my shares!

She desperately wanted the beer too.

In fact, she was so desperate that she had declared war on Willie and he wanted my help to fend off her attacks. I declined. He was enraged. Our nations fell out of favour. But I didn't care. He was busy with Beryl and soon I would have his island. Muahaha.


While I waited for the fateful day I'd have enough money to purchase the Isle of Beer, I started building up my tourism on Eluria. I started preparing an area for a future zoo that I would stock with all manner of wild and mystical animals once I started sending my ships out on expeditions... and I started up a museum too, also at the ready for future archaeological finds when out exploring the wide world.


Although I had no animals and only a couple of items of wonder in my museum thanks to Princess Qing donating a couple of things, tourists were coming to visit and were spending their money, increasing my coffers.


Suddenly, presumably thanks to the influx of strangers on my island, disease broken out!

I had built a hospital on the lower ends of the island but the pandemic had started on the top end, so I had to move the hospital to be in range and re-train all the doctors and nurses all the while the illness spread across the city.

Finally the doctors and nurses were ready and they set out to heal the sick.

Soon the sickness had ended and everyone was relieved. While tourism was still flourishing on Eluria, no longer would the Elurians trust random tourists.


At long last I bought out Willie's island and the newspaper and the people celebrated. For soon there would be beer. Copious amounts of beer. Beer for everyone!


With Eluria in a good place and not needing my constant attention, I got to work on Astana, the soon-to-be Isle of Beer.

Before it could produce beer though, I needed to get its population up and running and basically "start from scratch" as I prepared its workforce for the future.

Once I get the beer up and running, I'll be setting forth my first expeditions! While I specified there to be no pirates in this first area, the Old World, the next area, the New World, does have pirates and danger and things, so I need to prepare my ships and get ready to fight for the future of the Elurian people.


Until next time! 😊🎮



All screenshots in this post are courtesy of me, @kaelci and are from the game: Anno 1800.

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