Exploring the Steam Summer Sale 2022

This year has been one of those years when it comes to financial responsibility. I mean, all years are like that but this year... a little more so. That being said, I still wanted to treat myself a little during this Summer Sale and I allowed myself one of two choices:

  • buy one game in the Summer Sale for a maximum of $20
  • or buy several games in the Summer Sale that added up to $20
And so, I dove into my Wishlist and had a look at what was available.

I recently actually went through my Wishlist and removed a bunch of things. There were things on there that I had added back in 2013 or so and I just had no interest in them these days. A lot of them were early access titles that still hadn't come out of early access after 7+ years. Ridiculous. I don't often buy into early access anymore, instead adding them to my Wishlist to see how they fare... and after 7 years? Yeah, goodbye.

I've also recently added a lot more things to my Wishlist, including a few games that were mentioned here in the Hive Gaming Community. My Wishlist never ends!

Deep within my Wishlist, there were three games for $20 that I really wanted:

  • Disco Elysium
  • No Place Like Home
  • Let's Build a Zoo
But at the same time... I could buy a few games that added up to $20! Games like:
  • Chronicon
  • Cooking Simulator
  • Cozy Grove
  • Prison Architect
  • Cat Quest
  • Ember
  • Death Road to Canada
  • Untitled Goose Game
  • Oxygen Not Included
  • ...
  • .....
So many to choose from!!

Disco Elysium in particular... I added that to my Wishlist when I heard rumour they were going to ban it in my country. Big, fat, eyeroll. But that rumour made me interested in the game and after reading about it, it sounded like just my cup o' tea. Plenty of dialogue, choices and consequences that actually matter, a dark and gritty story... mmmm.

At the same time, that type of thing, at this moment, isn't what I'm after. I'd like something light, fun, like building a zoo and creating whacky animals and making them wear fancy hats. Reviews, however, talk about the insane micromanagement required for Let's Build a Zoo and... I'm just not interested in that right now either.

A lot of games on my Wishlist are still early access titles that I'm waiting to see if they actually make it to release, and I'm not willing to throw money at them just yet.

In the end, I decided to go with Yonder: The Cloud Catcher Chronicles for $14AUD, an open world crafting exploration game thingy that sounded casual yet grindy, so perfect for my mindset at the moment, and then, because I couldn't choose from things on my actual Wishlist... I dove into the Under $5 section of the sale and had a looksie.

The thing about jumping into the cheapo section of Steam is... well, you'll come across a lot of sexual games. I love a good "dating sim" when they're in the vein of say, Mass Effect, or Stardew Valley, but I'm not really interesting in theeeeeese types of dating sims, haha! (Unless of course it's of the Max Gentleman persuasion. That game was hilarious.)

In the end, I didn't end up getting any other game.

Yonder: The Cloud Catcher Chronicles seems like it should last me for a little bit, after I'm done with WoW, and Dragon Age, and whatever else ends up on my plate. The one thing that miffs me with it though is apparently the Switch version of the game has a photo-mode and PC does not. Wut? Why?

Anyway! After many days of umming and ahhing, a game has been chosen! :D

May it be worthy of those many, many hours of painful pondering.


Until next time!



All screenshots in this post are courtesy of me, @kaelci and are from the Steam Store.

Posted from Kaelci Games with Exxp : https://kaelci.games/2022/06/30/exploring-the-steam-summer-sale-2022/

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