"New MTG set baby! We solved the murder and the meta"

New Standard Set! You know what that means :D

Good day MTG nerds! With Murders out now we get some new cards to play around with! Again I still havent dug too deep into this new set, but BOY do I have a deck for you!

We have a Mardu value deck on our hands that is taking the ladder by storm. I've brewed up some nonsence synergy that can out-value any standard deck out there, presses the board all game, naturally has a Combo in the back pocket, and access to a 2 mana tutor with upside. Welcome to my brew for this new standard set, Super Ob!

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We are featuring 2 new cards to standard from Murders in this deck, they are my Faves from the release so far. Novice Inspector comes in as a top tier Value 1 drop. For 1 mana we get a 1/2 body, and an artifact that can draw us a card later. We have synergy with small bodies, artifacts, and card draw. The second card is Case of the Stashed Skeleton. For 2 mana we get a 2/1 token with menace, an enchantment, and a 2 mana tutor if the token dies. We value small bodies and enchantments. Plus 2 mana tutor is good for any deck lets be real.

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We run Voldaren and Bloodtithe Harvester as they again are bodies that makes us artifacts which can draw later. We run Spirited Companion as our last value creature, giving us instant draw and an enchantment body. Slotting in Wedding Anouncment also gives us some Bodies, Card draw, and another enchantment.

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Now, What do we do with all these small bodies, enchantments, and artifacts? Well, we can pump them up with Michinko's, and we sac them to -Village Rites- or Ob. One key here is you can pump a small creature for 1 turn with Michinko's, and use it for Ob's Casualty cost. This is where I got the name Super Ob for the deck, as the token Ob can often Ult the turn he enters.

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This still leaves us short on a reason to value draw, so we run Sheoldred. With Shelly in play, we can start using our clues/blood tokens to draw and gain life. She also unlocks a the combo with Super Ob. You can target your OP with Ob's Ult. They will Lose 7 life then draw 7 cards, having Shelly drain another 14 life. That is 21 lifelose off of 1 Ob Ult

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After 20 games testing this (Starting in Mythic) we have gone a wopping 16-4. I have only combo'd once as this deck packs alot of firepower before you get there. If you looking for something new, or need a deck that can quickly shoot you up to Mythic, I highly recommend you give Super Ob a try! :D

Sidenote- If I did not have a new job starting Monday, I'd honestly be trying to push into the top 100 with this brew!

New Standard Set! You know what that means :D

This is a cross post of @initiate1/new-standard-set-you-know-what-that-means-d by @initiate1.

New MTG set baby! We solved the murder and the meta

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