We've Fortified Our Shelter - This War of Mine #3

Hi my friends, how are you? I am almost cured, I only have a cough sometimes but other than that I have no problems. I am very happy that I got over the illness so soon because when I was sick I felt terrible, I had no strength for anything. Today I am going to share with you the third episode of This War of Mine. I read all the comments on the previous episode and I am very grateful. My goal is always to make you feel the atmosphere and I'm happy to see positive things about it. I hope I can keep this up until the end of the series.

Day 7

Here are the things I looted. There's wood, materials, medicine and bandages. Fortunately at the end of the 6th night nobody attacked and the night was quiet. One of the worst things that can happen to you in this game is to be attacked at night.

I'm running out of water at home and it's time to build a rainwater collector. With this device I will be able to use a filter to turn rainwater into water that I can use for cooking. Otherwise I will starve.

I immediately started making a filter and extracting the water, but it takes a very long time. You can do it at most twice a day. So you can get a total of 8 units of water. Water is worth very little in barter, but it's always at the top of the list in terms of necessity.

Today was quite quiet, no guests came or a mouse got caught in the trap. There was nothing new on the radio. It's boring, but sometimes I need days like this. I especially prefer such days to bad news.

I decide to go to school again with Arica, there are lots of things I need there. So I will keep going until I run out of supplies or until they run out :P

The looting was also quite calm. I took what I needed and went back without messing with anyone or stealing anything. I hope it will always be this easy.

Day 8

Here are the things I looted: Water, supplies, food, alcohol and herbal medicine. Fortunately we had another quiet night, no one attacked.

On day 8 we received two important news, one was that a news anchor had been killed. It is really sad because all they do is to inform the public. The other one was that civilians will be banned from entering some areas. I hope the areas I am using now will not be banned because it might be very difficult for me to find places to loot.

And my favorite visitor has arrived! Barter man! We traded a lot of supplies, food, bullets, everything you can think of. I wish I had more vegetables and supplies. Vegetables are very hard to find and there is never enough space in my bag for supplies.

I immediately started making one of the most essential tools for me, an axe. With the axe, you can break down unnecessary furniture in your house and turn it into wood and fuel. And by unnecessary furniture I mean clothes closets, wooden tables and everything. Why is this so important? Because winter is coming and I will need a lot of fuel. More than you can imagine, my friends. Both for food and for warmth. I will also use the wood to cover the holes in my shelter.

As you can see, I got 7 boards and 2 firewood from a piece of furniture I took apart. Imagine that I have 7-8 of these in my house. This creates a huge resource for me. On top of that, I can use the axe as a weapon if I have to.

Another hole has been successfully covered.

In order to develop my shelter further, I must first develop my workshop. This will allow me to make the technological equipment I need. That's what it says in the description. It allows you to make technological equipment such as heat lamps, mixers, etc.

At night I decided to go to a different place this time, to the bakery. I can come back to the school later. I'll go with Arica, as I've been doing for a while. She'll look around because she's the quietest. If I was sure it was a risky place, I'd go with Roman.

After some exploration I saw a desperate family living in the house. The man's mother's eyes hurt. Fortunately, she's better now. I never wanted to steal from this family, so I just collected some unclaimed wood and went back to the shelter.

Day 9

With the materials I collected, I closed the last breach in the shelter. Hopefully we will now be safer from bandit attacks. Because that's the only reason I did this, I didn't seal those holes to keep the shelter warm lol.

Recently our neighbor came back asking for help for people trapped under the rubble and this time she says they need bandages. Obviously there are no injured people in the shelter at the moment and I can often find bandages, so I gave them to her, I hope I don't regret it.

Nothing else noteworthy happened and I ended the day waiting for someone to come.

At night I set out for a different place, I told you the reason before, I don't want to rob innocent people, so I decided to go to the railway station.

This place is huge, just like the school. As I was exploring, I walked into a room where two people were sitting and they told me to get out. I was scared for a moment, but then they went and sat down and continued talking. So I kept sneaking around looting and I found some amazing things.

Day 10

A few days later, as I expected, they attacked the bunker! Luckily we had enough weapons and we were not injured and the attackers could not steal anything from us. That's all good news.

One of the things I found in last night's amazing looting was a smashed guitar. I'm going to fix it. A guitar lifts the spirits of the people in your house. Low morale can lead to running away from home and much worse, even suicide, and I hope we never have that. So let's fix the guitar now and raise the spirits. I will definitely go to that station again because there are so many rooms that I haven't even checked yet.

According to the radio, people are scouring abandoned houses and streets for food. Fortunately I don't have much of a problem in terms of food, but I'm not in great shape. I just need to build an herb garden to produce vegetables. I can get meat somehow...

When I opened the item tab, I told you what the characters think about the shelter. Right now they say that the shelter is their home, it gives them peace, it gives them a mental clarity. In the details below they mention some problems, for example we don't have cigarettes but there is nothing we can do about it. We can't produce cigarettes yet and it's better if they don't smoke because it's bad for their health :P

At night I got a bad surprise, we were forbidden to go looting in some places as we heard on the radio a few days ago. Luckily I can still go to the railroad station, and as I said, there are many things I can find there. This time I will go looting with Roman just in case.

The guys there were chatting among themselves again. I had to saw something and luckily I had brought a saw with me. I was so happy with what I found! Bandages, canned food, a gun, bullets, another broken guitar, parts to make a gun. It's like a paradise here and there are so many precious things I left behind. I must come back here one more time!

And I think we've come far enough for part 3. As I said, this time I posted a day longer than the previous parts. I'm careful not to make my posts too short or too long, but when it comes to this game, I get caught up in the atmosphere even when I write to share. Thank you very much for reading, I hope you enjoyed it. Don't forget to leave your thoughts in the comments. Take care and have a great day!

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