Tristana is Over Powered! TFT Set 12

Hello, I'm here with a new TFT game and today I'll show you a composition that you can play every game and finish in the top 4 every game. Tristana carry at your service!


You can watch the gameplay here without commentary:

The portal of this game is Radiant Item, so in stages 3-7 everyone chooses one of the 5 radiant items and gets a magnetic remover. If you are lucky, this item can win you the game, but if you are unlucky, you won't be able to do it while your opponents are getting stronger and remember that this item can normally be chosen as a prismatic augment!

Getting the right items in the Tristana composition is very important and that's why Pandora's items augment is especially good as a silver augment.

It was an interesting early game. I won the first 3 fights and lost the last two. Honestly, I would have preferred to lose the first three because then I could have chosen the item I wanted, but it doesn't matter because my augment gives me that option.

You may ask if Pandora is your wife, but here again I chose the Pandora's Bench augment, which at the start of each round turns the 3 champions on the far right of your bench into a random champion of equal value. Isn't it a good choice considering that there are at least 4 champions that I need to make 3 stars in this composition?

When you reach level 6, your composition takes some shape. Tristana, Lillia, Rumble, Kogmaw, Blitzcrank and Nunu are the champions you should have at level 6. Then at level 7 we add Jinx and at level 9 we add 2 more Bastions. Usually Diana and Taric are preferred.

Rascal's Gloves is a very good item in my opinion and Rumble carries this item well because he does a lot of damage when ability power items come and he's a good tank when tank items come, he's not very useful only when attack power items come, but there's nothing to do with that.

For the last augment I chose Support Golem I. This augment allows you to have a golem with a support item on it, which I think is a very powerful augment. Despite being nerfed, it is one of the most powerful augments in the game.

And I managed to get Tristana, Nunu, Rumble and Kogmaw to 3 stars at the end of phase 4. I may not have any gold right now, but all I have to do now is sit back and enjoy my winning streak.

The main carriers of the composition are Tristana and Kogmaw. Tristana's best items are Guinsoo's Rageblade, Infinity Edge and Faerie Queen's Crown. You get this crown when you activate 2 Faerie traits. Kogmaw's best items are Guinsoo's Rageblade, Spear of Shojin and Last Whisper.

The main tanks of this composition are Nunu and Rumble. Actually these champions are good side carries because if you check the damage table you will often see them at the top lol. Since there are so many ability power compositions, the best items will be Dragon's Claw, Warmog's Armor and Gargoyle Stoneplate.

Is this a very strong Kassadin composition? Boom! No more. Tristana wiped him off the map and she did it in a very short time. Tristana removal company at your service!

This opponent was also playing a Kalista carrier. This time Kogmaw did more damage due to my Giant Slayer item, not surprisingly, but I'm the winner again!

Before the last fight I reached level 9 and activated all 4 Bastions, I'm not sure if I needed it because my opponents weren't even close to beating me anyway. One of them was scaring me though because he was trying to make 4 gold champions 3 stars. Luck was fortunately not on his side.

Thank you for reading, I hope you enjoyed it. Don't forget to share your thoughts with me in the comments and let's bring TFT back to its glory days in this community! Have a game-filled day...

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