Let's Keep Everyone Alive With Soraka! League of Legends

Hello all of you game lovers, I think you missed this because I haven't shared League of Legends posts for a long time haha. Honestly, I've been playing terrible games lately, I'm getting players on my team who have never played the game before and the opposing team is dominating the game. That's why I'm not going to show you a game I played recently, but a game I played 5 days ago. Enough chit-chat, let's move on to the game!


Before we jump into the game, here is a video where you can watch the full game.

As I started the game, I realized that the game will not be easy because the Zed player on the opposing team is a Diamond player and has played Zed at least 100 times before. So he knows the championship. The character I also play is Soraka hahaha. So if he has a good game I will be like a minion for him and he will kill me everywhere he sees me.

Do you remember the post where I talked about supports. You can read it by clicking here. Soraka is an incredibly good protective support. If your enemy doesn't focus on you and tries to kill your carry, they are impossible to kill unless they have a very high level burst. As you can see, I can heal 106 HP with my W skill which is only level 1.

Yes, I can keep Kog'Maw from dying by constantly healing him, but that doesn't mean he should eat every ability like a hungry dog. Unfortunately, there is nothing I can do in such situations and my carry died. Luckily our jungler Diana was nearby and came and at least killed the enemy carry.

Another thing to watch out for when playing Soraka is not to die while healing your teammate. As you can see, I had 3 HP left here, so I was almost dead. Luckily, no skillshots hit and I returned to base.

Now I will tell you one more time about the importance of the mini-map. Look carefully at the bottom right. I think we are fighting 2v2 but it is not like that at all. Hecarim went around behind us and I didn't realize it. As a result, Kog'Maw and I died, but we played well before we died and Diana came and killed the whole opposing team. So two of us died and three of them died. That's worth it!

Hecarim is here again. I noticed it, but the bearer didn't and died. There's nothing I can do for you, buddy. See you in 30 seconds.

One of the good things about Soraka is that she can heal your teammates with her ultimate, regardless of range. This way you can support them even if you're not there. Like I'm doing right now.

If you want to see how high my healing power is, you can open the video at 23:22. Diana's health is as you can see in the photo and it only took me 10 seconds to make her full HP.

When the laning phase is over and you need to do team fights, sometimes you might want to help your teammates. It makes a lot of sense, but sometimes they can be so stupid that they just do nothing and die. Don't try to save them. Otherwise you will die along with them. In this position I just wanted to help K'sante and I died. Later when I checked the scores I realized that dying was not so abnormal for him haha.

I always say, there is no room for greed in League of Legends. You will be punished for the slightest mistake. We didn't have 2 teammates and the guys on our team wanted to fight. The opponent team's battle composition is really good. When Brand, Gnar and Hecarim are together, it's very hard for us to beat them. We need to play very well. In the end all three of us died and my teammates thought I was playing cowardly. But all I was trying to do was to save us.

After dying a few more times and losing team fights to protect my teammates, we finally won one and managed to finish the game. It was really hard and you don't have many chances when bad players come to your team. Not only do they play badly but they also communicate badly.

Also Soraka is not a champion for me. Because she relies too much on her teammates. You can play as well as you want but you can't win games against a bad team, but with champions like Brand, Ziggs, Miss Fortune, you have a chance to win games even if your team is playing badly. Still, if you have a friend you trust to play well, you can choose this champion.

I usually share the damage graph with you in games because I play champions that deal damage, but since Soraka is a healing champion, it makes more sense to evaluate her in this area. As you can see, I am the champion with the most healing in the game. I healed twice as much as my closest opponent. Although the amount is not written, I remember it was 34k or something.

Thank you very much for reading. Do you play League of Legends? If so, tell me your favorite champion and why you like it. I will tell you my favorite champion and why I like him. Oh by the way, before I forget, in my previous game post I said I would send 5 Hive gifts to the person who made the best comment about Messi. Your performance was far below what I expected, except for one person, @queenstarr won the prize from me! Sent to 5 Hive accounts. Enjoy it, Kardesim!

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