Big Fat Boy is Back! TFT Pengu's Party

Greetings, did you miss the game posts? I know it hasn't been that long, but I know that there is an audience that follows the games I post, so I'll continue to post them even if not as often as before.


You can watch the gameplay video here without commentary:

The universe of this game is Golden Gala, which means that all augments in the game are gold. It's a universe I haven't shared with you much before. The reason I chose this universe is that all hero augments are gold and I want to try them out.

I found Garen's carrier augment just as I wanted, but he is not the main hero of this game. The main hero will be Nomsy, who I just picked!

I had a very good early game, almost perfect. It would have been better if I didn't lose the 4th fight, but my opponent was very aggressive and there are no problems. I have a good economy and Nomsy keeps getting stronger.

The mid-game was a nightmare. Not only because I lost a fight, but also because I spent tons of gold and only got Garen to 3 stars. If I could get him to 3-star early on, I could focus on buffing my other champions. Anyway, there's nothing we can do about the past, right?

For those who don't know. Nomsy was a carrier we used in a very old set and his specialty is that he gets stronger by being fed by the units around him. This means that it's a creature that gets stronger and stronger the later you get into the game. Let's see how much I can feed him!

Balanced Budget+ was the augment I had to choose. This augment allows you to earn 9 gold for 4 turns, so you get 36 gold in total. I need gold because I ruined my economy.

The main idea of my composition is that Garen and the other tanks tank in the front while Nomsy destroys the rear ranks. Actually, the idea works, but I need more damage. Even though Nomsy did 10k damage, it's not enough to win right now.

Unfortunately we have a problem! This Yordle Lord is the most broken thing in this game mode and I don't think I can beat him no matter what, but we'll see!

Even if I can't beat him, I can beat a very strong Umbral composition. Since he gave the wrong champion an Umbral emblem, he doesn't stand a chance against me.

Wait, can there be hope? I really managed to beat him!

By the way, I forgot to mention the last augment. Spirit Guardians makes your Guardian champions more tanky and protects them by reflecting some of the damage your non-guard champions take to the guards. Considering I'm using 6 Guardians, good choice huh?

I managed to beat a strong Dragonlord composition and the Wukong carrier can be really powerful. Maybe one day I'll try playing it myself.

At the end of the game, my opponent managed to make a 3 star Veigar, the Lord of Yordle. Do you know what that means? I can only beat him if I make a legendary champion 3 stars, and since I can't do that, I'm going to lose the game. I took a round to see how things were going and when I saw that I had no chance, I surrendered!

Thank you for reading, I told you that sometimes surrendering is very useful XD It's like that in life too, if you have no chance of winning, try another way or move to a new game. Take care and keep playing!

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