My Past Play-2-Earn (P2E) Gaming experiences - Should I Try Sprinterland Now?

Source - Further edited on PicsArt.

Since i was a kid always used to play games and had fun then we grew up and this P2E (Play2Earn) revolution changed everything.

From Buying CD's or DVD's of games to investing in NFTs to play game we came a long way ahead.

When i first heard "Gamefi" in crypto always used to thought it's some sort of game. Later i started learning things & by the end of 2021 i had much knowledge about the term "Gamefi" or "P2E" to start.

My one of habit is "learn" before doing anything. I stepped back to observe more about Games in crypto where we can make money and have fun.

My past P2E Gaming experiences

It's been more than 6 months in P2E games. The first P2E game I've played was "Pegaxy". I'm an addict of Games since childhood never got bored playing games coz it is fun but ever since been introduced to Gamefi everything changed.

I stopped wasting time on other online games and decided to explore more Gamefi related projects to make money or enjoy at the same time.

I had played some P2E Games without investing Anything being part of gaming guild and also invested heavily in some of Gamefi projects.

Pegaxy gaming experience:


Screenshot from pegaxy

spent one month playing this game on a rental pega. The game was fully automatic means No fun at all. Only thing excites players to play was "Print more money" and inflation was causing Token losing it's value.

I played as long as (only for 1 month) it was worth Play-2-Earn without having fun nor any stress.

Got 2 payouts and overall one month progress was around $30 not bad.

Axie infinity next game?

Never ever played Axie infinity because my friend told me to stay away it's full of stress. I do prefer having fun playing game instead of stress.

Money doesn't matter when a person is gamer but the thing matter is if it is enjoyable or not and according to my friend it was not so i decided not to play.

Pandaland - The next P2E game where i invested:


Screenshot from Pandaland

Never heard about this before? Because it's an unpopular Game in unpopular sidechain. It is alike Axie infinity but automatic version like no strategy requires means No real fun just make money.

Like every other P2E game same thing happened to it. token is almost worth nothing at the moment and i stopped playing it couples week back.

NFT floor crashed, token also at it's low but i Got my ROI at time. In the beginning i had made $20 a day but huge rewards lasted for first few days only. In hype advantage i Sold some NFTs and token's i earned from game on the spot to get back my capital and it works out pretty well.

Should i try Sprinterland Now?

I heard of Sprinterland a lot through my friends and past platforms but have never tried it before.

Now I'm in hive and Sprinterland is also apart of it's ecosystem so it make's sense to try this P2E Game. Guess what? I'm already doing my research on it and started collecting helpful information regarding Sprinterland.

Couple of Few things excites or made me curious about Sprinterland are:

  1. Friend told me Sprinterland is a fun game. (Have never played an enjoyable P2E Game in crypto space before).

  2. It will Require only $10 to Start playing Sprinterland (AFAIK).

  3. Sprinterland has potential. It made me curious when other popular P2E games failed or abandoned how's Sprinterland still stands strongly on it's feet.

This already proves it has a lot potential and i should try it. tokenomics seems very interesting to me and also cards, battle & leagues it's going to be one of my favorite Game.

Finding an alternative way to start Sprinterland

Screenshot taken from Sprinterland

Sprinterland doesn't work's on mobile I'm currently using. Even if it work's won't run smoothly. I tried refreshing multiple times but still it doesn't proceed ahead & the screen is blank.

In the meantime I'll learn more about Sprinterland. I would appreciate any advice's or strategy for a better start in Sprinterland and any informative thing related to Sprinterland is also welcome.

lead image via Canva and further edited on PicsArt while screenshot sources are quoted

Disclaimer: Do Not take Any part of this publication as Financial Advice Nor for promotion purpose. It is for entertainment purpose..**
DYOR - 14/06/22

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