Super Robot Wars OG EPISODE 1

Hello hive gamers, Super Robot Wars OG is a tactical role-playing game and I will post all of its episodes, and hopefully, all of you will enjoy it.
.......................Super Robot Wars OG EPISODE..........................

Aleph: …
Aleph: Where... am I?
Aleph: Who am I?
Aleph: My name is...Aleph? No...
Aleph: …

Aleph: …!
???: It would seem the distress signal wasn't a false
Aleph: Who are you?
???: You must have just merged into this time... I suppose it
must be fate.
???: But this is a prime moment to capture you...
Aleph: Guh!
???: I hereby shackle you. This time, you will become my
Aleph: Urgh…
???: There are those who have stepped forth from the
forbidden land. They broke the barrier themselves.
???: Now we can meddle freely with that planet...
Aleph: Urrgh... Ugh...
???: But we must act before the fool emperor and those
inspectors do.
???: It must be we, the Gozzo, who hold the final trump
Aleph: Ngh...Urgh..!
???: Carry out your mission, Aleph Balshem. I shall observe
from afar.

New Common Era 179 Sector Outside Pluto Orbit

Daitetsu: Give me a damage report!
Sean: Heavy damage to blocks 4 through 9 as
well as the secondary bridge. First and second
main cannons are inoperable.
Daitetsu: And the Giganscudo?!
Sean: The unidentified machines have it
surrounded and pinned in place.
Daitetsu: Rrrgh..!
Sean: Captain, they have our units thoroughly
outmatched. I suggest we retreat.
Daitetsu: Blast... Can we really do nothing to
stop them?!

Sean: Those insectoid weapons of theirs are
clearly built with technology more advanced
than our own.
Daitetsu: So... they're aliens?!
Sean: That seems likely. And we're not just
outgunned, but outnumbered as well. Plus,
judging from their size and number...
Sean: They may have a mothership or mobile
fortress nearby. We're in grave danger.
Daitetsu: Argh... Just when mankind finally
takes its first step outside the solar system!
Sean: I don't disagree, Captain, but right now,
we must retreat.
Sean: If the Hiryu sustains any more damage.
Sean: We may not make it back to Mars, let
alone Earth.
Daitetsu: We have no choice! Recover the
Giganscudo and withdraw from this sector at
maximum combat speed!
Daitetsu: (I won't soon forget this disgrace!)

................................Second Contact.................................

Elzam: The Moon, Sirius, and Ross 128...
Current spatial coordinates confirmed.
Elzam: Doll 1 here. Shifting to phase 4 of
UCC Soldier: T7, roger. By the way, what do
you think of the prototype Gespenst Mk-11,
Elzam: It's a good machine. The issues that
Colonel Kar-Wai raised concerning the 001
have all been ironed out.
Elzam: Were it a horse, it would be a
thoroughbred colt in its prime.

UCC Soldier: Uh.. sure, sir. I'll just begin
Kirk: Major, I fully expect to see the skills
that made you an Aggressor as well as the
United Colony Corps' top ace.
Elzam: Roger. Beginning the test.

Elzam: What the.?
UCC Soldier: We've detected unidentified
objects approaching from B-12-62! Doll 1, stay
Elzam: I'm detecting them as well. Doesn't
seem like space debris.
UCC Soldier: There's no data on them! They're
literally unidentified flying objects!
Elzam: Doll 1 here. I’II attempt to make
contact with the unidentified objects.
UCC Soldier: What?!
Elzam: If those things don't belong to our
military or the TFF.. then this merits
UCC Soldier: Unknown objects rapidly
accelerating! They're on a collision course with
Doll 1!
Uploading IMG_20221109_190629.jpg #24
Kirk: Are they moving in to attack?
UCC Soldier: Major Elzam, get clear!
Elzam: Doll1 here. Change of plans. Switching
from test mode to combat mode.
UCC Soldier: Combat mode?! Major, you aren't
authorized to engage!
Elzam: Tell that to these guys.
UCC Soldier: B-But your Gespenst Mk-II isn't
equipped with any weapons!
Elzam: Weapons? These two fists are all I

UCC Soldier: That's crazy! Dr. Hamil, you have
to stop the major!
Kirk: Let the major have his fun. If these are
the articulated mobile weapons that the EOTI
Organization foresaw.
Kirk: This is a good chance to show the brass
what personal troopers were made for, and
why we need them.
UCC Soldier: Not you too, Doctor! Do you
realize what you're saying?
Elzam: With that settled.. Trombe, my partner,
let's ride!

Elzam: As I thought, this craft is nothing made
on Earth.
Uploading IMG_20221109_190329.jpg #96
Elzam: Moving in (Attacking on Autonomous AI Bugs with Trombe)

Autonomous AI: …! (got heavy damage from Elzam)
Autonomous AI: (attacking Elzam and missed)
Elzam: Where were you looking?
Elzam: These unidentified objects have
insectoid forms. I suppose I could call them...
Autonomous AI: (attacking on Elzam and missed again)
Elzam: You seem to know very little about how to make
use of your strength.
Elzam: We gallop once more, Trombe! (Elzam Attacked Autonomous AI Bugs and destroyed them all, suddenly another Bug appeared)
UCC Soldier: Major Elzam! It's another
unidentified object!
Elzam: I can tell!
UCC Soldier: Major, what are you planning to

Elzam: I plan to capture this craft intact.
UCC Soldier: Say what?!
Elzam: We'll need to send a sample to Dr.
Bian's EOTI Organization.
Elzam: I wonder if these are the reason why
we lost contact with the Hiryu when it traveled
Beyond Pluto…
Elzam: If these insectoid machines are the
"Guests" from other worlds that Dr. Bian
Zoldak spoke of…
Elzam: Then humanity may soon take its
the greatest challenge yet.

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