My character selfie for the Hive Gaming Community selfie contest - Dragon Nest Mobile


Hive Gaming Community Selfie Contest, @hivegc held a contest for gamers, and this is my first time to take part in a contest from @hivegc, the contest held by @hivegc is a selfie contest for your favorite game character, if you want to join this contest, you can read all the terms and conditions for entering this contest here Selfie Contest - Hive Gaming Community


Why Dragon Nest Mobile

I am a Dragon Nest player in the Computer version for a very long time, even since the first PC version of Dragon Nest was released, but due to some problems and obstacles, I decided to stop playing Dragon Nest in the Computer version, but at the time the Dragon Nest Mobile game was announced, I feel very enthusiastic, because I can reminisce about Dragon Nest Computer, especially when the Dragon Nest Mobile developer said that Dragon Nest Mobile will have the same gameplay and story as the Computer version.

Dragon Nest Mobile is a game adaptation of the Computer version of Dragon Nest, but it has received an optimization that is suitable for playing on mobile, the characters in Dragon Nest Mobile and the skills of each character are exactly the same as those in the Computer version, because there are many memories and the excitement to be had at Dragon Nest Mobile, so for this reason @hirrogaming chose Dragon Nest Mobile to enter this contest.


What I love about Dragon Nest Mobile

Most Mobile RPG games are now synonymous with the "Auto Quest" feature, where this feature helps you to complete missions without directing your character, such as when there is a mission to kill 10 forest monsters, if you use the Auto Quest feature your character will automatically move automatically itself to find and kill forest monsters, this will indeed make it easier for you to increase your character level or look for certain items without having to bother to control your character continuously, but I personally don't like this feature, I feel the Auto Quest feature this will make a game boring, because everything can be done automatically this makes the gaming experience non-existent.

But not for Dragon Nest Mobile, there is indeed an Auto Quest feature on Dragon Nest Mobile but there are limitations in the Auto Quest feature in Dragon Nest Mobile where the use of Auto Quest only appears when the player is looking for an NPC and looking for the next quest, and when doing battle or just killing forest monsters, the Auto Quest feature will disappear, and everything comes back to the players to move their characters, this is what keeps me playing Dragon Nest Mobile until now.

Dragon Nest Mobile's Cut Scene is also very exciting, making each story very dramatic and tense, even I often watch this cut scene, other interesting features such as the choice of camera type, we can choose 2.5D, 3D, and 3D Free View, features This is useful for choosing our point of view when playing, so that we can be more comfortable.


What I don't like about Dragon Nest Mobile

Even though I seem to really like Dragon Nest Mobile, there are a number of shortcomings that make me uncomfortable playing this game, the first is the sound problem of the NPCs who still use Korean, if asked to choose between Korean, English and Japanese, I prefer to use Japanese for these NPCs, this is because I understand Japanese a little more, then the second thing is the graphics problem, I'm a little disappointed, because Dragon Nest Mobile doesn't have enough indulgent graphics, this is so that the Dragon Nest Mobile game can be played in every Smartphone even with standard Smartphone specifications, apart from these 2 things that make me less comfortable playing this game, the rest I can guarantee, this game is suitable for you to play.


All photos of this contest are courtesy of @hirrogaming :






This is the first contest I participated in @hivegc, sorry if there are a lot of word mistakes, and I hope for advice from you, so that I can be better at writing and take part in contests that may be held again (hope there will be 😆), Sorry if the image is not that great, as the photo mode in Dragon Nest Mobile has a small image quality limitation


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