It's scarier when your flashlight doesn't work the first few seconds...

So I decided to make a few editing of the longer gameplays into shorts. I love editing videos and I actually enjoy the process lol and making shorts are also quite important since not everyone will be interested in watching the long gameplays anyway.

I learned quite a few techniques in making videos more fun by observing how others do it, and it all depends on the edit. :D

This clip was from this gameplay where it was my first night mission and I had to go back to the tower while being chased by volatiles. It's quite a shame I didn't use the "look back" feature where the character can look back to who's chasing him so we can see the volatile's face but in my panic I just focused on running back to the tower.. it also doesn't help that I had to run a few seconds without flashlight on. XD

I'm planning on making more shorts in the future and maybe some highlights video where I just edit the fun part of the gameplays and make it to 10 minutes or something.

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