Starfield - First Few Hours


So, today Starfield officially came out to all Gamepass subscribers - I couldn't be bothered to pay for the full upgrade because I didn't even know if I'd like the game or not so here we are. Took me a while but I played Starfield.

What's my verdict?

Well, to understand it first you need to know I'm not too huge of a fan of Bethesda games. I don't find the gameplay loop particularly compelling. That being said however, I think Starfield is the best game they've made by far *by initial impressions.


It offers as much freedom and exposition as you'd expect from a game like Fallout but at a much grander scale with way better combat and a much more interesting world and lore.


That being said however, it's still a Bethesda RPG. And these games just can't latch on to me like other RPGs can, stuff like JRPGs or the masterpiece that is Cyberpunk 2077 (not a joke).

The combat felt way better than what I remembered Fallout 4 being like, they clearly intend for you to play this game ranged and that makes sense, but the ranged gunplay feels a lot better than Fallout.

The quest structure, the UI and everything else are great too, not to mention the quite incredible character customization...

But alas, it's not a game for me.
I took some screenshots to make this post worth something, but this is all I can give you unfortunately.




And yes, the resolution does actually look that blurry. It's probably because I was playing on a Series S and the game there runs at 900p30fps upscaled to 1440p.
In New Atlantis that 30FPS would very often drop down to the 20s but to be honest it's not that jarring whatsoever.

And whilst in interiors or out in missions, the framerate is a very stable 30, New Atlantis was the only place that gave the small white Microsoft box trouble.

Anyway, sorry for the lackluster post, but this game wasn't what I expected it to be, so there's not much for me to say here.

If you're into Bethesda RPGs, you'll love it! If you're not... then maybe give it a try, it could change your opinion, it surely almost changed mine.

Great job Bethesda! (Specially because I didn't see a single bug!)


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