Armored Core 6 📽 Through the Lens


Just... shut up... 😮‍💨

It would be a shame if we did the entirety of fromsoft's new catalog without mentioning what got them here in the first place. Armored Core has been a franchise for a loooooooonnng time, it was what paid for the roof over fromsoftware's head. Now that they've made a name for themselves with Soulslike, it only made sense they return to their first love.

And it only makes sense that we cover this modernized take on this long-lasting franchise. 🕺

And so❗️ In this edition of Through the Lens 🎞, we'll be taking a look at fromsoftware's mecha action adventure from 2023: Armored Core 6. ◀️

(the title here is Fires of Rubicon, which as badass a title as you could get honestly)

Roll it! 📽

🔷 UP TOP 🔶

We finally get a fromsoft soundtrack from someone other than the usual Soulsborne compasses - and it is glorious. Epic, mechanical, sturdy. Very anime as well. I love this soundtrack a lot, as I could see it being used in other media as well. Not much more you can ask for in terms of OST.

You should give it a listen while reading this article to get a feel for the game. 😇

Compossed by Mr. Kota Hoshino

Armored Core is a very new game. But for your sake, it is also a relatively short game. If you so chose. I say your sake because of the frantic release schedule the past couple of months. If Armored Core was the size of Elden Ring there's no way I could release this article now. 😅

Up top, I love this game to bits. Such a refreshing change of pace for this developer. Not to mention it is the best mecha game ever made. And I'm not even sure if that is such a hot take. Let's discuss!


This game is cool. 😎 In fact, I would say this is the coolest game fromsoft has ever developed. What's special is the cool factor arrives from the gameplay, not the soundtrack or the art direction, no, the gameplay. You know how rare that is? Cause it's pretty rare.💯

I say that, and yet the next image you see is cool AF. 😁 Yes, this game oozes cool. If you watch someone play it at a high level you will struggle to understand how is this even a game.

But it all stems from the gameplay. And the bold design decisions fromsoft took. I know! fromsoft making bold design decisions? They'd never! // that was sarcasm for you uninitiated, fromsoft only makes bold design decisions

Now that I've propped it up so much I have to discuss it. So let's get into a detailed look at what makes the design so cool, stylish, and unique.


So the game is very moddable, in a way. Very modular rather. Its fast-paced gameplay is accentuated by its complex control scheme. You need a while to get used to the nitty gritty of how the game flows as it's a pretty unique experience.

The cherry on top? You can reallocate your build at any time. Can't beat a boss? it's probably because its moveset counteracts your build completely. The game pulls on punches in this aspect. It expects you to re-spec and fight differently. This goes against every modern design philosophy. Most gamers are used to one build which they expect to start and finish the game with. Armored Core is the opposite. You could technically build the game without ever changing your build. But it would take a lot of time and a lot of blood, sweat, and tears. You have to be able to adjust on the fly. This in combination with the aforementioned difficult to master moveset makes for an experience that rewards the sweatiest of gamers. 🥵

Finally, the New Game + in this game is nuts. The game is relatively short and meant to be replayed over and over and over again. With slight variations of the story and goings on with each New Game +. There is also a multiplayer feature, but it's only Invite-based. I think this game's core gameplay lends itself to a standalone multiplayer game. I hope fromsoft considers an Armored Core Online at some point. 🤞

🔷 MISC 🔶

A couple of things before we wrap this up. First - the game looks amazing, sounds amazing, and is a general treat to the eyes. 👀

The story is pretty inconsequential. I mean, it's there, and it's decent. But you aren't playing this game for its story. 😅

I found the discourse behind this game to be a fast mecha game, and that means it is not a real mecha game. Because mechas are supposed to be big and clunky. And there's no other variation allowed. 😁


As I just mentioned, regardless of what hairy people on the internet say, in my opinion, this is the best mecha game ever made. And it's not even close honestly.

AC6 also got a big boost from Elden Ring the previous release of the company. Having more eyes on it than it would otherwise. Opening it up to the reception and reputation it deserves.

I think it will be fondly remembered. And because of its short nature, I recommend you try it out if you haven't. It's actually pretty short, so it's an easy investment.

BW twirl. png

Thank you for reading, you rock! (and maybe roll) 👏👏👏

🖼️ Image Sources: 01, 02, 03, 04 🖼️

Shout-out to the 🍕PIZZA🍕 gang, 🤙 gang. 🤙

And with that, we are done with the fromsoft catalog! I know... I am saddened as well. But all good things must come to an end. Next up? We will cover the fromsoft clones, of course! Next up is Lies of P, then lords of the Fallen after that. Hope you all join the ride.

👊 Follow me on my HIVE blog 👊

I hope you are having an amazing start to your week! 🙌

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