I started playing Terracore / 「Terracore」はじめました

Since last week I have been playing Terracore, a new game in HIVE chain. I started to see Terracore on HIVE.blog feed a while ago, and I was curious about the pretty pictures and the fact that I could still play with a small amount of money so far, so I decided to start. It costs 20 HIVE to start the game (to earn Citizenship).

The story seems to be about collecting $SCRAP and exploring new planets in a world ruined by a catastrophe. The game is still in beta, but players can collect $SCRAP, battle with other players, and level up.


In the first few days, I just collected $SCRAP without understanding it. Over time, the unclaim $SCRAP in the center of the screen increases, and you can collect it into your own wallet by clicking the CLAIM button. So the collected $SCRAP goes directly to your HIVE ENGINE balance. Oh! Isn't this a great way to earn a little extra money? I was thinking what a great idea, but then I noticed that the unclaim balance sometimes grows slower than usual in the middle of the process.

始めの数日は、よく分からないまま$SCRAPの収集だけしていました。時間の経過とともに画面中央の未CLAIM $SCRAPが増えていき、CLAIMボタンのクリックで自分のウォレットに回収することができます。回収した$SCRAPは、直接HIVE ENGINEの残高になるんですね。おお!これはチマチマとお小遣い稼ぎができていいんじゃないか?なんて思っていたら、途中からどうも未CLAIM残高の増え方が遅いことがあるのに気づきました。

What does that mean? I looked at the Battle screen and found that ever since I started the game, I had been attacked and robbed of my funds. This is the same mechanism as in "Drugwars" in the Steemit era. Even if you didn't raid someone yourself, they would still attack you if your level was low and take your funds. I was so frustrated that I decided to use $SCRAP to increase my attack and defense a bit and go to battle myself to get my funds back🤣

After all, from midnight to early morning Japan time, I am sleeping, so the number of times I am attacked increases. On the other hand, during the hours when I am awake, many players are sleeping, or I often win. In order to sleep peacefully, it may be a good idea to increase your defense as much as possible. I don't want bots to come into this game, as I am fine with being robbed while I am sleeping.


As for "EXPLORE," I'm not sure yet. Right now, we are in the stage where all players are working together to donate $SCRAP to unlock this planet called "OCEANEA". It's a little odd, I guess, because in "EXPLORE" you're cooperating with everyone and in "BTATTLE" you're competing with them for it, but oh well. It seems that the more you donate in your name in "EXPLORE," the better off you are in some way.
As I write my blog, I accumulate small amounts of tokens in HIVE ENGINE every day, so I am planning to play with them. I am looking forward to the future development.

ブログを書いているとHIVE ENGINEに日々少額のトークンが貯まっていくので、それらを使って遊んでみようと思っています。今後の発展が楽しみです。

About the Game ゲームの概要はこちら

Register and Play 登録・プレイはこちら(リファです)

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