60 Seconds ReAtomized Day 18 : Delores is probably ok....


It's day 18 and Delores is still out scavanging. She took an empty suitcase so she has something to cover her face with, wear as a hat, a portable toilet, a tent large enough for her head, and a dual bowl (one side for water one for soup).


Rumbly tummies mean soup for Ted.


Oh yeah. We have a radio. We can try to communicate with the outside world. I mean, sure, we go out scavanging and never really contact people that way. I am sure there is a good reason why we can only make contact with anyone that might be able to rescue us when inside this bunker...


60 Seconds! ReAtomized is a fun survival stragedy game from Robot Gentleman. Grab all you can within the 60 seconds, including you spouse and two kids, and survive until you get rescued or die.

Available on Steam https://store.steampowered.com/app/1012880/60_Seconds_Reatomized/

There is a great selection of affordable survival video games available on Amazon as well. I like to browse for the games I want and add them to a shopping list. Amazon will then send my app alerts when they go on sale. https://amzn.to/3jtPUYj

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