Mobile lengends Me fui con nana de jungla 😂// Mobile lengends I left with jungle lullaby

Primeramente con la educación por delante ¡Buenos dias! ¡UN EXCELENTE INICIO DE SEMANA PARA TODOS!
Para empezar mi dia con el pie derecho jaja me levante y dije "vamos a lanzarnos una partidita" que resuelta y acontece jaja que a los segundos de iniciar la parida la hanabi que iba a ir jungla pues se cambio y a mi se me ocurre la gran idea de poner la retribucion de jungla 😂😂

Firstly with education ahead. Good morning! AN EXCELLENT START TO THE WEEK FOR EVERYONE!
To start my day on the right foot haha ​​I got up and said "let's have a little game" which was resolved and it happens haha ​​that a few seconds after starting the game the hanabi who was going to go jungle changed and I came up with the great idea to set jungle pay

Vamos hablar como si esto fuera fútbol XD en el primer tiempo nos estaban dando y dando ya yo daba la partida por pérdida XD

I'm going to talk as if this were football, XD in the first time they were giving us and giving us and I was giving the game a loss XD
Pero no no no no ,noooos recuperamos y ganamos 🤭🤭jajaja pero no hice absolutamente nada como jungla jaja

But no no no no, we recovered and won hahaha but I did absolutely nothing as a jungler haha

Salvese quien pueda🤭🤭

Every man for himself

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